Excerpt: You Will Reincarnate
Post updated June 16 2024
I’m currently semi-retired from my astrology work, so that I can finish writing and indie-publish several books from my Astrology & Mind series all at once in 2024, so they can be read conveniently one after the other, and also offered as a digital box set. More books in box sets are also presently in the works and will be published a little while after these, as I’ve been writing them all concurrently over the years.
There is also another book on reincarnation that I’ve been writing more recently, and I’m planning to publish that first, in late 2024: In 5,000 Years: A Novel Truth. That book will be a good primer for You Will Reincarnate, and will be the first in my Reincarnation History Series.
As more of an historical spiritual memoir, In 5,000 Years elaborates on the interconnected stories from the actual results we achieved from researching the complex threads of my own past histories. (More on that and my other imminent books on my Author site KerrieRedgateAuthor.com.)
So, I’m giving you a little taste, here, of the first book in my Astrology & Mind series, You Will Reincarnate: New Research into the Quirks of Consciousness with Ancient & Current Sciences. The ebook version will be initially free for a time on all the major digital platforms (so please subscribe to my newsletter via the link in the menu, for alerts as soon as my books and courses are available); and the paper and audio versions (I’ll be narrating) will be priced.
You Will Reincarnate describes the process of reincarnation and its implications for our development, as well as the research processes and findings from decades of my own clinical work with students, clients, and of course myself, with the help of other professionals such as kinesiologists and excellent spiritual mediums. Astrology has been a central tool in both validating and expanding on the results from these other sources — asteroids never lie! … More on that in another book!
I hope you enjoy this little excerpt, which is the full Preface of You Will Reincarnate.
from Kerrie Redgate’s forthcoming book:
You Will Reincarnate:
New Research into the Quirks of Consciousness
with Ancient & Current Sciences
I demanded to be treated as an equal!
However, I had not questioned the religious instruction we were given at school, until a particular day when the topic of The Nun’s teaching was Death. Or more precisely, it was what happens after death. We sat through an entire exposé of the Heaven and Hell realms; and in those days, Purgatory, the half-way house, was also on the cards. (It has since been demolished.) I recall being stunned in disbelief. What I was hearing from this darkly-clad image of stern Responsibility was clearly a lie, an untruth, a deception! Or so I was thinking. I was too young to have known that religious belief is a matter of choice, and that there are many religions, philosophies, and beliefs, that can inspire any one of us or conversely entrap us within the intolerant Realm of Bigotry and Self-Righteousness. Well, perhaps I was a little intolerant at that point, because I never trusted any of the Catholic nuns from that day onwards. In my heart, in that moment, I renounced my Catholic-ness, though I never lost a connection to what I would later term `Spirit’. Perhaps I could be forgiven for such a rash, yet resolute, decision — I was only seven years old. So, what was it that turned my young mind so against the very teacher I was supposed to revere as a role model and Bestower of Knowledge? Astoundingly, it was memory. Clear as day. Vivid as your own memory of yesterday. While I listened to the dissertation on the Eternal Afterlife, my mind was struggling with the memory of a time before I was born: my previous lifetime as a young man in India, a medical doctor, trying to heal horrendously diseased children. In 1962, I was too young to know the term reincarnation, but I knew for certain that we come back after our body has died. My earliest memory of my current life takes me back to around age four, I’d guess, as I was able to speak well enough to express my thoughts, but not old enough to have had the right hemisphere of my brain remodelled to the taste of Western civilisation. I was in a very large living-room (of course, it seemed large, as I was very small), enclosed by walls of adults holding drinks, smoking tobacco, and chatting noisily. They were skyscrapers in an oppressive city, to me. I clearly remember looking upwards, grabbing a man’s trouser leg, giving it a couple of tugs to get his attention, and sternly announcing, “There-are-children-in-India-who-are-dying-and-starving-and-we-have-to-help-them!” Needless to say, my squeaky little voice had very little impact. So, I tried some skirts as well… All that frivolity surrounding me when there was so much suffering in the world. I was incredulous. This was probably 1959. Television was a new phenomenon in Australia from 1956, and I can’t remember when it eventually appeared in our living-room. But there were no documentaries made in those days depicting starving children in India, or anything about India at all, as Australia was still upholding a racist White Australia Policy, being years before an industrial-economic necessity, in the mid-1960s, would instigate an alternative multi-racial immigration scheme. So, my family knew no Indian people personally. And no one at that time, in my sphere of experience, ever spoke of India or its starving children. And yet, as a little four-year-old girl, I was stirred by a strong compassion for something that had been happening in another part of the world, on an entirely different landmass, and within a culture I could not have imagined. There were many more years of religious indoctrination for me, but I never relented in my secret belief. And, over the years, I cemented a vow deeply into my psyche, that I would one day prove the truth of rebirth; that I would educate people to know what really does lie ahead after we die; and most importantly,why we choose to come back! This book is the fulfilment of that vow.© 2019 Kerrie Redgate
book publication date scheduled for late 2024