It’s Here—The New Aquarius-Pluto Paradigm!

See #3: ETs and Free-Energy Tech
for updated video links (URLs had changed) — November 2023;
Extra Notes and a new video — dated December 16, 2023

A BIG POST! It has taken more than a month for me to put this together, so I apologise it’s late, but I think the effort was worth it. This is designed as a big Resource for you, for our new Paradigm.

There are 14 videos to watch right here (plus many others as links), that I have carefully curated for you (better than trusting FaceBook posts!).

Our entire civilisation is at a cross-roads. And we just need to stay aware of what is happening underneath it all — Astrology is the master-key to human evolution. Many of the issues I had touched on here in April 2023 have already come to pass as the Aquarius frequency speeds up our evolution — Nov 2023.

Welcome to 20 Years of…

Has the world gone mad? Is human society on the brink of disaster? Are we about to lose our humanity? … Or are we giving it away

Yet, this should be the ‘Time of the People’.

Well, there are always two alternative expressions for any frequency impacting the human brain. We always have choice, as we’ll get into below.

Astrological Paradigm shifts
are what move humanity forward.
They mature us and force us to evolve
as a species. 

These particular global paradigms are cyclical, containing a series of 12 major changes within every 248 years, each paradigm having a different duration from the last, always presenting new global challenges to our survival and evolution.

This is an effect of Pluto in the Brain

Why Pluto? Pluto stimulates our physical security concerns — the things we tend to ‘hang on’ to unconsciously for survival, whether legitimate or not. This has a profoundly personal impact from the moment of our birth.

But the Sign (frequency) that Pluto’s impact is blended with, at any one time (via changes in the Earth’s field), becomes a unified resonance for all of us. It challenges our global human culture to expand beyond its own fear boundaries, to allow us to grow in a more spiritual direction. We don’t always accomplish this, but the seeds are sown for those who are moving forward. And it is up to each one of us to be a part of the Beneficial Change as we move up the spiral.

My book Pluto in Your Brain: Generations & Paradigms is still in the works. It’s a big project spanning all the paradigms from the start of the 20th century up to and including this new current one.

It’s not far away, but I’m working on finishing the two reincarnation research exposés first. 

You can read a bit more about this book (and my others) on my book site.

cover of 'Pluto in Your Brain' by Kerrie Redgate

But first, where we’ve been:
the Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm

This link is to Part 1 of my older blog articles
written 10 years into our Cap-Pluto era

For the past 16 years, since early 2008,
we’ve all been living within a particular
global paradigm that challenged us on:

  • society’s Ethics
  • inner & outer Authority
  • the rise of Cults
  • loss and protection of our Civil Liberties
  • Responsibility especially in Business & Politics
  • the escalation of the Solopreneur & Artisan class (bespoke movement)
  • the ripening of personal and global Karma
  • … and Death

We’ve seen the best and the worst of these issues in various theatres of our culture — and I don’t have to elaborate on those! (But you’ll find more on my Parts 1 and 2 of ‘Cult or Consciousness — 10 Years On’ on this blog site, via the red title link above.)

Each one of these aspects of human society have related to the astrological frequency of Capricorn

Though, each paradigm has a polarity shift as well, to balance with the main frequency (the basic YinYang expression). Capricorn’s polarity is the Cancerian frequency, which together highlighted Responsibility toward our Earth’s climate and complex interdependent ecosystem.

The Cancerian and Capricornian frequencies actually blend together to create wholeness and mastery for our human species. These are qualities that we each must master within ourselves in order to become whole. Very basically, this is inner Responsibility with Kindness for every living thing on our planet.

And now we must bring what we’ve learned, from that paradigm, into the new paradigm we’ve just entered…

from March 23 2023 at 12:26pm UT

Our new Aquarius-Pluto Paradigm

A new global era has officially begun,
presenting A NEW SET of global values & challenges

This new 20-year era will be a completely different experience
from where we’ve been these past 16 years,
since 2008.

And prior to that paradigm, from 1995, we had the Sagittarius-Pluto paradigm: information/knowledge (Sag) explosion! The public global internet arrived, then mobile phones, global online commerce, and the first live-televised war, in Iraq. I remember, it was a very different world (sometimes easier!) before 1995.

But this new Aquarius-Pluto paradigm will be an even bigger shift than both of those combined. And any Resistance to this shift at levels of Authority will cause Revolution. And we have witnessed this already in Iran, and in France even more recently, while Pluto had been moving in, very close to its Ingress into Aquarius.

Here’s the thing:

Where Capricorn is traditional,
upholding the status quo and its boundaries,

Aquarius is radically innovative,
tearing down the old structures
even before the new ones have been built.

Aquarius speeds up all processes, especially those in the brain! We will be pushed to our intellectual limits during this paradigm — or collectively, we could become disastrously lazy with Artificial Intelligence thinking for us. The internet has already dumbed people down considerably by providing brief answers to complex questions and, along with algorithm bubbles, I think this is what has been dividing opinions so destructively.

Though, we are not yet quite finished with the previous Capricorn Paradigm, as Pluto will appear to be moving backwards (from Earth’s perspective) twice during this early phase. And this will dip Pluto’s influence into the Capricorn frequency in the Earth’s field for us again — just to make sure we got that one right!

Here are the date spans (in Universal Time)
when Pluto will be coming back through Capricorn again
to resolve some old issues with
Responsibility, or Purpose, and our Karmic imprints
(whether meritorious or nefarious!).

  • Cap: June 11 2023 9:30am UTJan 21 2024 12:58am UT
    (almost 7 months!) — then Aquarius again until…
  • Cap: Sept 1 2024 11:58pm UTNov 19 2024 8:42pm UT
    (a quick-dip last chance!) — then Aquarius until 2043

I would expect that during the 7 months from June, as above, we may find the world starts announcing legislation (a Capricorn thing) to curtail (another good Capricorn term) certain aspects of GPT A.I. and A.G.I. (Artificial General Intelligence) development, and legal guard rails are set in place. More on that under A.I., below. And there will be other legislation and also massive class actions coming up.

You’ll find here a collection pertinent videos I’ve carefully curated for you, with also my commentaries on these 11 major areas of disruption in our lives — so do avail yourself of those. Yes, there will be many more changes, but I’ll have to include the rest in my Pluto book for you, as space is still limited here!

NOTE: The ⛶ icon, at the bottom right on each video, should expand the video to your full-screen size on a desktop or laptop.

Now for the 11 things that will greatly
Disrupt Our Lives, collectively,
during the next 20 years

'This is Engineering' masses of screens

1  A.I. Technology

A.I. Tech is going to get crazier and crazier. Yes, even more!

The world has indeed gone quite mad.
Everything is changing, speeding up.
Everything may feel uncertain, surreal, up-in-the-air.

Nothing is predictable now. And technology has taken some very scary turns.

But we can survive this if we’ve learned from our previous paradigm!

This is the biggest and most urgent change, so I have more to say on this, below, than any of the other disruptors here…

Our new survival paradigm shift will bring plenty of surprises, as Aquarius is a frequency that shocks us into an unfamiliar future, well beyond our comfort zones. And it does so with lightning speed. With Aquarius, the old is unflinchingly swept away for the new ideas, no matter how crazy they may seem!

The effects from Pluto’s resonance can influence our brain and psyche from about 3 months before its exact transit of a planet or its Ingress shift into a new Sign-frequency (via changes in the Earth’s field). 

And in November 2022, we were confronted with the initial release of ChatGPT, followed by its public ‘stable release’ on March 14 this year. During the first few weeks of its public release, it had attracted more than 100 million users! Google’s former CEO, Eric Schmidt, has stated (see video below) that it took Gmail 5 years to achieve that number!

And after just 10 days of this ‘stable’ release, cracks started appearing in the armour, with A.I. ‘hallucinating‘ when it didn’t have the right answers! This is not surprising, as the structure of this type of A.I. is set up to self-learn.

 There are a handful of large companies
developing A.I. right now:

  • Google (available via their Bard Chat service, a ChatGPT rival; they have also developed LaMDA A.I., the controversial “is it sentient?” model)
  • Microsoft (via Open A.I. Incorporated, and available via Bing in MS’s Edge browser, and ChatGPT via
  • AliBaba AI and Data Intelligence (via the AliBaba Cloud)
  • Tesla (Elon Musk, who is incorporating A.I. into his humanoid Tesla robots, despite his own misgivings about A.I.!).

As ChatGPT-3.5 (Open AI’s interactive language of A.I.) has been released to the public, some users have asked ChatGPT to create a ‘story’ for them (and, indeed, some ‘authors’ are using A.I. to write their entire books!), while other users have asked A.I. for details of historical stories, etc.

ChatGPT does not ‘live’ in our reality. It cannot distinguish between art and reality. A story is a story — it doesn’t care if it isn’t ‘real’. A photo of a face and a Picasso painting of a face are the same to A.I., as they are both labelled ‘face’. They are therefore both ‘real’. So there have been many errors within these interactions with live people in Chats. And GPT-4 has been the scariest release so far.

This hallucination problem had led to MIT physicist and A.I. researcher, Max Tegmark (see 2nd video below), writing an open letter calling for a halt to ChatGPT development beyond GPT-4 for six months. Here is the letter — look at the date! :

This letter has since also been signed by 27,000+ people, including Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak (computer-wiz and Co-Founder of Apple), Tom Gruber (led the Apple team that designed Siri), Evan Sharp (Co-Founder of Pinterest), Jaan Tallinn (Co-Founder of Skype, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Life Institute), Andrew Yang (2020 US Presidential candidate), with a 1,500-strong group of professors, AI researchers, and tech professionals. Ethical development is the foremost concern. But the call, it seems, has gone largely unanswered.

Except for Italy!
On March 31 2023, Open AI shut down ChatGPT in Italy at the demand of the Italian Government, making Italy the first democratic nation in the world to temporarily ban ChatGPT throughout its country. This occurred after a data breech, with Open AI’s software violating EU privacy laws by collecting huge swathes of personal data from users of all ages while it ‘learned’.

Also there are universities and public schools in other countries that have banned ChatGPT in their local networks, including Western Australia which has banned ChatGPT from all public schools in the State. The UK Government is now looking at regulating AI. While, also, the EU, recognised as a leader in corporate regulation, has decided to also come down even harder on A.I. — It’s almost as if there is, at last, a Battle of Ethics going on between the EU and the USA.

As an experiment, I tried to access ChatGPT, myself, but I quickly deleted the page after it seemed to insist on my permission to access too much about me and my internet/computer connection. We will have no control over how A.I. uses and delivers information about ourselves as we are a major part of its own education!…

So I checked the T&C…!! Here’s a link to an American lawyer’s video on what he found about indemnity in the Terms & Conditions:
You Need to Read the Terms of Service for OpenAI and ChatGPT
So, just be careful!

So, it would seem, the platform is still live and accessible to a majority of humans who will comply. Though, ChatGPT Plus (using GPT-4) is now offering a subscription model of US$20/month for access.

It would appear that the lessons of Ethics and Responsibility from our previous Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm have already been forgotten.

'Deep Mind' artwork by Nidia Dias via Unsplash

Why are we developing Artificial Intelligence
instead of our own?

This new paradigm offers the perfect opportunity for us
to train our own minds toward

This is such an important topic, that I’ve loaded in two vital videos for you, below, on our current state of A.I.. It’s important for you to get a handle on just what is happening right now.

This is huge. Many jobs and professions could disappear overnight. I hope you heeded my advice in previous years, to set yourself up as an authority in your field, to find and live your exceptional purpose — to be indispensable to society. That last paradigm was a preparation for this one.

I’ve also been considering, for a long time, that during this new paradigm the internet may break (just as our global financial structure broke during the previous Capricorn paradigm), as it has become a technology that we are completely dependent upon for our survival (Pluto=attachment!). And now I’m wondering if it may eventually have to be deliberately shut down for a time due to A.I. being connected to the net, with it finally being able to manipulate everything via and on the net, including all essential services, and the computers within self-driving cars! That will take global cooperation.

This can happen anytime during the next 20 years. But in the meantime, I don’t want to be an alarmist, but to be practical, I would advise you to always keep paper records of everything that is important to you, especially bank records!

Former Google CEO Interviewed on Amanpour&Co (PBS) | 0:18:06

Eric Schmidt on A.I.

“Walter Isaacson speaks with former Google CEO
Eric Schmidt
about A.I.’s impact on life, politics,and warfare,
as well as what can be done to keep it under control.”

from the video’s YouTube Notes

My YouTube Comment on this video from a month ago:
“Excellent discussion. Thank you! Scary times ahead. I’m not a fan of AI. I believe in human endeavour, the time it takes to evolve ideas, to master talents. AI may have the capacity to rob us of the very essence of our humanity. The quick path is never the path of our satisfaction in life.”

Max Tegmark

Lex Fridman Podcast #371 | 2:48:13

The Case for Halting AI Development

“Max Tegmark is a physicist and AI researcher at MIT,
co-founder of the Future of Life Institute,
and author of Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.”

from the video’s YouTube Notes

This is a long-form video (2:48:13), as all of Lex Fridman’s great interviews tend to be. Though, Lex often loads up much shorter excerpts from these to his YouTube channel.

You’ll find a comprehensive breakdown of the subject chapters for this video in the YouTube notes. They get into some interesting areas regarding consciousness and reality.

PS: Lex’s other two interviews with Max Tegmark (Round 1 and Round 2), from several years ago, are also worth watching on the issues of consciousness and A.I..

By Igor Labutov, Jason Yosinski, and Hod Lipson
of the Cornell Creative Machines Lab | 0:01:24

AI vs. AI. Two Chatbots Talking to Each Other

Some quick light relief after all that — this is hilarious!
This is also 11 years old.
Imagine how far AI has advanced now!

(By the way, ‘OT‘ is ‘Operational Technology’: can be a robot;
A ‘unicorn‘ is a startup business worth over $1 billion,
so she seems to have called him OT, instead, but he didn’t get it!)
Wired Robot with humanoid face

2 Robotics

Humanoid robots are advancing at a crazy-wild pace.

Is this just a case of ‘womb-envy’? Women are capable of producing perfectly functional human beings in just 9 months. No lithium battery required.

While there is merit in producing robotic gadgets that can enter and examine or fix hazardous disaster zones, I cannot fathom why they need to take on humanoid form!

I’ve been fascinated by robots since my early childhood when I devoured all the science-fiction movies on late-night TV with my Dad. Robbie from Forbidden Planet and Lost in Space was my favourite back then.

But, today, most of them are just too scary (Boston Dynamics); and the (USA) Military seems to be enthusiastic about robots replacing soldiers in the field, despite calls from saner groups to ban their aggressive military use.

If you want to see an excellent ‘science fiction’ drama TV series about the possibilities and issues of sentient A.I. humanoid robots living with us in our near future, I recommend the award-winning 2015 UK series Humans (which was based on the darker Swedish series Real Humans, which I just couldn’t watch!). It starred Gemma Chan as a totally convincing humanoid. Brilliant script and production. But be warned, it does contain violence, course language, and a couple of sex scenes/references. It’s currently screening on Australian ABC iView on-demand (handy if you have a VPN overseas).

… So, just because we can, does that mean we should?

Robbie the Robot (toy version) image by Em & Theo via Unsplash

Robbie the Robot (toy version)

Forbidden Planet; Lost In Space

‘World’s Most Advanced Humanoid Robot’
Can Now Have Full Conversations | by Engineered Arts | 0:02:41


Ameca’s reactions here were not pre-programmed!
I have to say, though, that despite being a humanoid, Ameca is my favourite robot. 
She has personality and is rather elegant, especially when using her British voice.

Atlas Robot, made by Boston Dynamics | 0:1:21

Atlas Gets a Grip

“It’s time for Atlas to pick up a new set of skills and get hands on.
In this video, the humanoid robot manipulates the world around it:
Atlas interacts with objects and modifies the course to reach its goal
— pushing the limits of locomotion, sensing, and athleticism.”

from the video’s YouTube Notes
‘Beware of Aliens’ sign in Japanese
'Beware Aliens' sign in Japanese
‘Beware of Aliens’ sign in Japanese

3 ETs & Free-Energy Tech

We may soon have an acknowledged contact with our Visitors (or Co-Habitants?) who’ve been keeping a check on our own nuclear threat to our own planet.

We have their free-energy technology now, from reverse-engineering of their crashed vehicles, but certain US factions are keeping it secret.

Last century, Oppenheimer and Einstein  wrote a joint letter to President Truman about setting up a new organisation for ‘Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestrial Bodies’.

Check out Dr Steven Greer’s video, below!
Wonderful stuff. And for evidence, his website page:

This very important #3 section now has updated links
and a trailer added for Above Top Secret — enjoy! [Nov 2023]

Dr. Steven Greer | 1:22:00

The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé

This documentary is Dr. Greer’s answer to the current Government
and media disinformation campaign promoting 3 big lies:

  1. We do not know what these UAPs / UFOs are.
    WE DO.
  2. Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs.
    WE CAN and WE DO.
  3. The UFOs are a threat.
from the video’s YouTube Notes

 See information on Dr Steven Greer’s
set of documentaries (
on his site)

  • Above Top Secret [Trailer above 00:01:58] documentary (2022) (on the secrecy of the Free Energy technology that could save the planet (another Blake & Brent Cousins production featuring Dr Steven Greer). Watch free (with ads) on
  • You’ll find lots of interviews and videos with Dr Steven Greer on YouTube, such as this very interesting discussion between Dr Greer and investigative journalist Paola Harris (quite a bit of new information here). And the Dr Steven Greer YouTube channel

! AND check out the wealth of
Witness Testimony  
videos from Military and Government witnesses
on Dr Greer’s site;
!! AND the great many interviews on various YouTube channels with Dr Steven Greer
(especially: Shawn Ryan and their 2nd one here;
Billy Carson from Gaia, and their follow-up one here.

NOTES on ETs: Dec 16 2023

For a small fee you can download the CE-5 Contact app (Apple App Store, Google Play) to learn how to become an Ambassador to our ET friends.

Dr Steven Greer has worked out a protocol (with the ETs) for contact where we can invite their crafts to appear and respond to us. See the Close Encounters of the 5th Kind film, as above, for footage of these contact events and interviews with the human participants (ordinary people like us).

Some images of a few Visitors of various species have been captured as still photographs, so you can see what they look like in that film. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have been doing these CE-5 Contact Events for years, and no one has ever been harmed.

The bad press given to ETs — abductions, cattle mutilations, “Evil Greys” and “Reptilians”, and the like — has always been orchestrated, actually practically, by the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower had warned about in his final speech before he left Office.

The ETs who are visiting us are far more spiritually advanced than we are, which is why they have not retaliated after hundreds of their crafts have been brought down by the scalar technology of the MIC. We are the bad guys!

In fact, there have been circumstances where ETs have actually saved us (from ourselves!). The Universe is full of bodhisattvas, not just here on Earth.


Elecrticity (artwork)

4 Our Galileo Moment

Electric Universe Proponents vs NASA 

No black holes, no dark matter, no dark energy. This has been brewing for years. But I believe it will be during this Aquarius-Pluto paradigm, that our understanding of the cosmos, and astrophysics will be completely transformed by the knowledge that is already out there.

The old idea of gravity being the principle force shaping the universe will be superceded by a new understanding of electricity and the electromagnetic force (which can greatly advance our understanding of astrology — more in my forthcoming book series).

Thunderbolts Project | 1:03:51

Thunderbolts of the Gods
| Official Movie

  “ Here, we present the full version of the popular documentary film ‘Thunderbolts of the Gods’, which helped to introduce the world to the Electric Universe in 2006. 

from the video’s YouTube Notes

And, of course, this new paradigm could be the era when Astrology finds its old footing again as a valuable resource, being now the new science of consciousness. I’m hoping my book series will contribute to this result, especially through our new understanding of the electric models of the universe and all life.

orange flower by Erica McCaig via Pixabay

5 Energy Medicine

Flower Essence Therapy, Acupuncture, Kinesiology, Colour and Sound Therapies…

These are the way of the future. Flower Essence Therapy is only one of the new & ancient therapies that have been waiting in the wings for public acceptance.

No active chemical substances, only the vibratory frequencies of plant consciousness in resonance with mind-brain, and hence body. Safer than chemistry which necessarily presents a difficult balance of yin and yang.

This may be the time for our ultimate healing!

I can attest to the wonders of especially flower essence therapy in curing disease states of mind and body, as well as spiritual issues. I have been using flower essences for my own healing, in conjunction at times with acupuncture,  since the mid-1980s, and have been offering essences in my work since the late 1980s.

Flower essences are an entirely harmless modality for healing. No chemistry involved at all. Most people have no idea of the consciousness within plants. And flowers, as the spiritual emanation of the plant, are their gift to the world. Some information about them on my website, and you’ll find more on the net.

James Oschman

The Human Story:
Human Metabolism Meets Cosmic Metabolism

Electric Universe 2012 Conference | 0:49:25

James Oschman has been a pioneer for decades
in the research of Energy Medicine involving the electrics of the body.
I highly recommend his book Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis 
(2nd edition and an ebook edition)

Dr Jerry Tennant

Healing is Voltage: The Physics of Emotions

Electric Universe 2017 Conference | 0:48:26

“…emotions are stored in and around the body as magnetic fields.
Not only do these magnetic fields cause the biochemical effects…
but they also block the flow of voltage in the associated muscle battery packs
that provide the voltage necessary for organs to function and repair themselves.

“[Dr Tennant] will discuss the human body’s battery packs, wiring system,
and the physics of how our electronic systems are affected by these emotions.
In addition, he will discuss how other magnetic fields and scalar energy can be used
to erase these emotions, leaving behind only memories
that do not disrupt our health and physiology…”

excerpts from the video’s YouTube Notes
see more extensive notes and links there on YouTube

This is a super-important presentation.
Plus, if you’ve ever had a root canal treatment,
or other invasive dental work, you might like to see this!

Medicine bottle

6 Medicine

I’m just going to say this quickly:

March 20 2023 (3 days before the official start of the new Pluto Paradigm), AstraZeneca Vaccine is banned in Australia due to the dangers of the confirmed side-effects.

This new paradigm may stimulate many class actions, globally, over the next 20 years.

Dr. John Campbell | 0:16:11

AZ in Australia

Dr. John Campbell has always told it like it is during the past couple of years.
He has been humble enough to have changed his original stance, 
and now breaks down for us the scientific papers of the latest studies and findings.
He is thorough, clear, and concise. Worth checking out his YouTube channel!

Dr. John Campbell | 0:20:12

WHO New Treaty

Some comments from Dr. John Campbell before he plays for us
the recent dissertation from Andrew Bridgen in the British Parliament
concerning the new powers that may come into effect for the World Health Organisation.
Bridgen is exposing here a level of corruption that cannot be tolerated
during this new paradigm.
And Breaking News is that Mr Bridgen has now been expelled from his political Party
after both of his parliamentary speaches concerning the Pandemic and the latest powers
that WHO is being granted, worldwide!
You’ll find  more details in his interview with Dr Campbell on YouTube.

Another great source for explanations of scientific papers
on the continuing Covid investigations is the YouTube channel
Merogenomics from medical researcher Dr Mikolaj Raszek of Canada.

And also some great medical explanations from
Dr Mobeen Syed of California USA, on his YouTube channel

'Planet Over Profit' sign | photo by Markus Spiske via Unsplash

7 Politics & Economics

Under the new Aquarian pressure we’ll be seeking fairer distribution of wealth and resources, and with more freedoms. 

The old hierarchical structures of politics may possibly give way to Committees of governance, rather then the 2-Party system which has emphasised ‘Government’ and ‘Opposition’ with a central President/Prime  Minister.

And capitalist democracy will undergo a remodelling, leaning more into an Aquarian socialist model of true democracy.

Unless we’re all put on a ‘Basic Wage’ with A.I. running the world!

Richard Wolff

Democracy at Work: Curing Capitalism

Talks at Google | 1:25:33

” Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
where he taught economics from 1973 to 2008.
He is currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in
International Affairs of the New School University in New York City.
He wrote Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism
and founded
a non-profit advocacy organization of the same name
that promotes democratic workplaces as
a key path to a stronger, democratic economic system.

” Professor Wolff discusses the economic dimensions of our lives,
our jobs, our incomes, our debts, those of our children,
and those looming down the road in his unique mixture
of deep insight and dry humor.
He presents current events and draws connections to the past
to highlight the machinations of our global economy.
He helps us to understand political and corporate policy,
organization of labor, the distribution of goods and services,
and challenges us to
question some of the deepest foundations of our society.”

 — from the video’s YouTube Notes
Orange flower

8 Absurdity

A Terrorist State Presided Over the UN Security Council 

The Aquarius frequency can also stimulate our awareness of absurdity in its rush to break the old order and create new rules. This can appear as madness, but sometimes will be madness! 

  1. Russia is a permanent member of the elite United Nations Security Council, which is absurd, as it was the USSR, comprising 15 Republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia [now Belarus], Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgiziya [now Kyrgyzstan], Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia [now Moldova], Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan), that was the original member, not Russia as it is today! These other Republics have not been included in Russia’s representation on the UNSC since the collapse of the USSR in Dec 1991!
  2. And with the many violations of the UN Charter that Russia has perpetrated in Ukraine, with its unprovoked war and violation of a sovereign country’s territory, and abduction of thousands of Ukrainian children, it has no legitimate place on the UN Security Council!
  3. And if that wasn’t enough! This past April, last month, it was Russia’s turn to actually preside over the UN Security Council (UNSC), itself — the very Council that was set up to prevent authoritarian rulers from invading other countries! Ukraine is incredulous, of course. Russia: an official ‘Terrorist State’! 
  4. And if that doesn’t make you swoon at the absurdity of it all, Putin, himself, the President of Russia, has been indicted for War Crimes recently by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the HagueHe can be arrested anytime if caught in an ICC compliant country, and taken to the Hague for trial — could have happened even while his country presided over the UNSC! … Some old systems definitely need a rethink!
Storm Troopers sabotaging iPhone | image by Will Porada via Unsplash
Ukrainian apartment  building shelled by Russia

9 War

Ukraine (with NATO) vs Russia; China vs Taiwan; ; Sudan; North Korea vs anyone at all… And USA vs …

Europe is being manipulated by a tyrant-psychopath. Ukrainian software engineers, bakers, architects, graphic artists, shop owners, farmers, are fighting for their lives, and dying, as their country has been thrown into a bloody, horrendous replay of World War One… because of just one man.

Image: Remains of an apartment building in Kiev, Ukraine

This Ukrainian war of attrition started under the astrological global Chiron–Hades square in February 2022. And while karma had been speeding up during the few months before the start of our new Paradigm, I cannot comprehend why Putin is still standing, as the Capricorn Paradigm had resolved (or at least awakened us to) a lot of global karma.

But we will still have those extra 2 revisits of our previous Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm this year and next year, during those dates, above. I think Putin should be going down during one of them, if not sooner.

A case in point: Putin recently held a meeting for new Diplomats — in one of the elaborate, sparkling halls in the Kremlin — and delivered a 20-minute speech with his usual pomp about the grandeur of Russia, etc… But at the end of the speech, the hall was silent. The usual applause was absent. This prompted Putin to actually announce that this was the end of his speech. Still silence. He then declared he was too busy to stay and shake hands with them all (as he usually had done in the past), and left with an “All the best” in English.  It seems Russia is wearing thin…

The escalating gun violence in the USA is a horrifying tragedy, and yet it seems obvious that the Civil War never actually ended there. It remains a country divided.

Freedom without Responsibility
always creates Anarchy.

— That’s a Kerrie Redgate quote!

Violence ultimately never resolves anything — this is plainly obvious in this 21st century, as we can see now that old enemies, even from both World Wars, later became friends and trading partners. Yet violence  seems to be a path we humans travel to secure our own safety, as we see it. This crazy attitude must end now, but I hope it doesn’t take us the entire 20 years to get that right.

Torn USA flag

We may also yet be on the brink of another ‘Great War’ involving most of the nations of the world. But this is not inevitable, if sane voices of wisdom can prevail.

I’m encouraged that many of the current Foreign Ministers from varying countries around the world are people of high intelligence, deep wisdom, and peace. Sanity may yet prevail!

The potential for war can be a reflection of our collective state of mind (and the Sign that Pluto filters through is a trigger for that ‘mind’ — this is very pertinent now, with the Aquarius-Pluto combination), so we each must play a part in maintaining humility and peaceful relations with all others in our space.

Treating each other — and indeed all living beings — with respect is the vital key to peace, and actually ‘programs’ the neural net of your brain for peaceful responses.

And this leads us to the main spiritual focus of the Aquarian frequency

Diver cross-legged by Joakant via Unsplash

10 Equanimity

How do we get to equanimity?

The perfection of the Aquarian frequency for us is not really the development of new technology, but the mastering of Equanimity.

And the path to Equanimity is always via our
hatred and aversions

These are what we must recognise and tame within ourselves, by letting go of our inherent fears.

Your spiritual nature, your spiritual consciousness,
is always available to you. It’s the real you in any moment.
And it’s a choice.

Aquarius is also
the frequency of
which is always just
one one breath away,
if we choose.

Aversions (including outrage) that spark anger are rooted in fears generated by pastlife experiences which are not actually happening now. They are simply expectations based on the familiar scenarios we see around us in present time.

This new paradigm offers an opportunity to master how we deal with these issues, both collectively and personally. We can’t sweep the world under our rugs, as we must all be a part of the solution. This is a global paradigm, so we’re in this together.

For more clarity on the benefits, and the practices for developing equanimity, listen to the Mind & Life Podcast episode, ‘Exploring Equanimity’ with David Creswell on his clinical research into equanimity and the mind/brain:

The Aquarian frequency, when impacting the survival aspects of the brain and mind, can induce moments of Enlightenment when we are aware of our own reactions and make an effort to initiate new ‘habitual responses’.

This frequency can be the Zen experience of sudden Awakening as to the Truth of Reality. And this awakening leads to our usefulness in the world…

Diver cross-legged by Joakant via Unsplash

11 Humanitarian Effort

We can be certain that the world situation, even as it stands right now, will stimulate a greater need for humanitarian support to many nations.

Ukraine, for a start, will need to be rebuilt from the ground up, as will the earthquake zones in Türkiye and Syria, and the severe tornado zones in the USA.

Through sudden earth changes, or war, we could see even more displaced peoples needing deep help during the following 20 years of this new era.

And as we have not yet resolved our neglect of our planet’s ecosystem, that issue will bleed into this new paradigm, demanding even more extensive humanitarian services.

Humanitarian effort leads to the
perfection of the Aquarius frequency
when blended with its polarity:
Leo, the frequency of the Heart.

Please share how you feel about all this in the comments below.

Are you optimistic, terrified, or apathetic?

As for ETs, or… I’ve seen the super-zippy amber lights in the sky (mid-90s). Have you?

… I’d love to hear your opinions or concerns!

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate 2023
Kerrie Redgate logomark
I'd love to read your comments⬇

The Election Goddess—An Astrological Tale

For three years, Anthony Albanese, as the leader of the Labor Party, the Opposition in Australia, was told he was “not allowed to go to the Ball”. The step-sisters spread terrible, unfair rumours about him and his faithful companions.

He had to stay behind and sweep the chimneys. So much soot and coal to clean up from the “nasty step-sisters” and their indulgent fires.

And then the miracle: The Moon Goddess appeared with the face of Aquarius. Aquarius, the bringer of Big Change and Power to the Independents.

The independents, also downtrodden for too long, rose up and made a beautiful gown for the Hero-denied.

And the step-sisters were astonished by its beauty, including the transparent glass slippers!

And the humble Albanese was able to go to the Ball, to fly to Tokyo without delay, as the new Leader of the Land.

The Independents were happy, so the People were happy. It was a new dawn! A new Beginning!

And the Aquarian Moon Goddess stayed for a day to survey the Land, and then vanished, her work completed.

Half Moon (by Michael of Unsplash)

And the lesson is,
if you’re planning an election
to stay in power,
you should never mess with
an Aquarian Moon!

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate 2023
Kerrie Redgate logomark
I'd love to read your comments⬇

Gen-Z Teen Flower Essences


Kerrire Redgate | April 4 2022

ZTeen Purpose Formula

A Flower Essence Formula
for a Special Generation
& also for the Rest of Us!

Who is Gen Z ?

This Generation was born during the years when Pluto’s radio waves were filtering through the Sagittarius frequency in the Earth’s electromagnetic field. (Western Astrology does not use star constellations as its zodiac.) Today, these young people are presently aged between 14 and 27, born mostly between 1995 and early early 2008.

This means that most of the teenagers currently at school
are part of this one Sagittarius-Pluto Generation.

As very young children in the late 1990s, Gen Z was formerly known collectively as the Indigo Children as these kids displayed incredible wisdom and talents far beyond their years. It’s important now that they don’t lose their unique abilities and their confidence in their own inherent wisdom.

Where the political and economic demographics for our various Generations (analysed back to the early 20th century) are often vague and contradictory, the science of Astrology can pinpoint the precise dates (and even the minute) for these generational boundaries

I’m currently writing a research book on this topic, Pluto In Your Brain: Generations & Paradigms — you can check out the book page on my Book Series website via that link. This book is part of the first trilogy in my Astrology & Mind series, due for publication in 2023-4.

The Teenagers of this extraordinary Generation presently need guidance and support for their higher purpose in the world. As Teenagers, they are currently in an in-between state where they may not be valuing their gifts or inherent power. Although some of them are finding their voices and fighting for justice and legitimate causes, others are falling into deep depression.

This prompted me to create the Z Teen Purpose flower essence formula, designed especially for the collective issues experienced by Gen Z. This is what it covers:

  • focus & clarity of thought for complex studies
  • stimulating creative breakthrough with Purpose
  • strong sense of purpose
  • balancing left & right hemispheres of the brain to acknowledge intuition
  • creating safe boundaries without being controlling or fearing rejection
  • alleviating self-rejection, shame, guilt, fear—which create  “aloneness”
  • feeling comfortable being unique rather than feeling isolated by it
  • innovative problems-solving, lightening the load

And I’ve now come to realise that the individual flower essences in this formula can be highly beneficial for most of us right now, as we struggle with the massive changes occurring at this transitional time (in 2022) as we sit, poised  on the bridge, between two massively different global paradigms. 

Other individual flower essences and formulas can be added to this for personal issues (such as my Happy Drops, Survive!, and Power-Up formulas; and Study Boost may also be helpful for those at schools and universities). (See the link to my Bodhimind Essences site below).

Download the PDF
Full Formula Contents

You can order this formula in 
50ml or 100ml external spray bottles

For a better understanding,
 let’s look further at Pluto and its effects
on the psyche of our Gen Z Teens …

Why Pluto ?

Pluto’s radio waves have been known to interfere with satellite transmissions and other radio communication and space weather inside the Earth’s field.

In the same way, Pluto can have profound effects on our psyche, as its radio waves resonate with, and stimulate, the survival mechanisms in the older (lower) areas of the brain. 

Astrologically, Pluto can stimulates not only our personal survival issues, but also those of the collective resonance that we share with others born during our same particular Pluto paradigm.

These paradigms vary in length between around 10 years and 30 years, as Pluto has a pronounced elliptical orbit, spending more time filtering through some frequencies  (which we refer to Astrologically as Signs) than it does through others.

In a separate book, I’ll be explaining how genuine astrology works, from a scientific basis.
… Currently still in the writing phase. 

Girl looking out window to trees

Generation Z will care deeply about the environment, about the circumstances people and animals have to live in. They will value freedom of thought and speech; and wide open spaces rather than tiny confinements. They will travel. They will will not ignore or choose to suppress other cultures. They will create in amazing ways.

This Generation has the scope to see beyond present boundaries. They are humanity’s hope for a Sane and Just future, for all life on this planet. But it’s important that they don’t feel hopeless in the face of our present global situation. They will only fight in a war that is just and has a higher, urgent purpose. But their instinct is not to harm.

I think of them as the Wisdom Generation.


Teenage girl at a garden window

The Paradigm
Gen Z 
have to live in

The Previous Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm

Apart from the survival brain-resonance of the collective Generation we were each born into, all of the living Pluto Generations are also living through our current Pluto frequency paradigm.

This is what causes vast differences in the reactions from each Generation in how it copes with the current cultural dilemmas and world-trends.

Gen Z, collectively, is more sensitive
to the world situation
than any other living Generation.

And it’s a difficult time for them now as our present paradigm does not fit with their inherent ideals.

Our current Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm which began in 2008 (initiating the Global Financial Crisis, the collapse of democratic values, and the extreme climate emergency we now find ourselves in) is a foreign frequency for the collective Gen-Z / Sag-Pluto Generation to navigate. 

Whereas, their Pluto’s Sagittarius frequency drives them toward survival (Pluto) through freedom and justice (Sag) — note the huge student rebellion in Hong Kong, and the student outrage and action after particularly the horrendous Parkland high school mass-shooting in Florida USA, and now the desertions and surrendering of the young Russian soldiers in Ukraine who refuse to fight and kill without a just cause, as well as the Ukrainian GenZ people who are prepared to fight to the death to protect their country and its democratic freedoms.

The current Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm is closing down our freedoms and rights, through the rising of the Political Far-Right. Who would have thought Canada’s democracy could be in such peril? Sagittarius expands. Capricorn restricts. That’s how we learn. But we are getting closer now to the new era ahead in 2023.

The New Pluto Paradigm

Update: May 22 2024

A year ago, in 2023, Pluto shifted gears into the Aquarius frequency, and this is now a time for many of our current teenagers to stand up and begin to make Changes. We already have Saturn in Aquarius, preparing the path of resistance and people-power Change. Even young people in Russia were risking arrest and jail time for peacefully demonstrating against Putin’s War in Ukraine. And now US university students are doing the same to voice their opposition to the obvious genocide in Gaza.

Aquarius is the frequency that creates aversion toward restrictions that are not humane. It stimulates Revolution and Change. And it is arriving now in perfect timing for Gen Z to be awakened to their Reason for Being, and to move into their Power, even as very young adults. And this will be a 21-year paradigm — it will bring lots of Change.

Our Gen-Z Teens were born with a mission to come in and clean up the mess that my Generation (the Baby Boomers) had initiated. And given the chance, they’ll do a darned good job!

Download the PDF
About the Formulas

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate 2023
Kerrie Redgate logomark
I'd love to read your comments⬇

Spiritual Power

Spiritual Power

 by Kerrie Redgate

Spiritual Power

I’ve been contemplating lately about what constitutes spiritual power, as power is what you hold within, not what you give away.

It has nothing to do with physical strength. Although, the appearance of physical strength can be present in power.

I have never forgotten how impressed I was with the Aikido teachers I got to know during the year I was caretaking a large Australian tropical property, which included their beautiful Zen-style dojo. There were people there of various ages, and I witnessed the older guys lifting and carrying heavy objects with ease, as though they weighed only a kilogram or a few pounds.

Aikido is the most spiritual and harmonising of all the martial arts. It works with the ki (ch’i) of the body-mind, and is non-aggressive in nature. And I learned another interesting thing about the Aikido teachers there (and I was privileged to have met some of the top masters from Japan) — they also practise Reiki, and they are often Reiki Masters.

As with Aikido, Reiki was also developed in Japan in the early 20th century, principally as ‘a method to achieve personal perfection’, in the words of Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui*. But in the West, we see it more as ‘a system of healing’ — I suppose because Western culture has not yet connected the idea of ‘personal perfection’ (a spiritual, not egoic, concept) with ‘healing’!

Personal Perfection would have to be the source of true inner power. This would be a combination of the spiritual and the physical attributes of life in perfect harmony and balance. This also relates to the Six Perfections in Buddhist philosophy, which I’ve found in the astrology chart (see my InnerView sessions page on my main site).

When I look back to find the one event that changed everything for me, that opened my eyes to a greater spiritual reality, and gave me a strong sense of being a part of that, it would be the first time I received a Reiki Empowerment, in 1986. The palms of my hands were hot and tingling for almost two days!

I’ve now come to realize that as with all electrical systems, the sensation of heat or warmth in Reiki is generated from the resistance between two bodies of differing voltage charges.

So the amount of heat radiating from a healer’s hands is not necessarily a qualification of her healing ability. My hands had reacted so strongly because my body’s electrical circuits (nervous system) had previously been somewhat resistant to this kind of flow of charge regarding the channeling of this level of energy from my crown. So the Reiki attunement released that resistance and balanced my crown, heart, and hands for a more powerful flow.

Kerrie Redgate’s Kirlian Photographic hand-prints
(Nov 19 & 16, 1989)

LEFT before Reiki activation … RIGHT after 10 minutes of Reiki activation.
LEFT print is normal … RIGHT the Reiki energy has overwhelmed the normal hand print!
( I was at Level 2 Reiki then ) 
Note: The Kirlian photographer thought the blown-out print indicated I was close to death!
He’d never seen anything like it before.
But I have seen identical Kirlian prints from another spiritual healer.

I had always been interested in spiritual things, had practiced hatha yoga since 1968, and was engrossed in other aspects of Indian culture from about the age of 10! But I didn’t become a living part of that until I felt the Reiki power flowing through me, until I could feel the healing effect I could have on other people.

That was a rebirth for me. My intuition regarding other people was suddenly switched on more consciously, and my Heart and Head seemed to become aligned.

Soon after completing Level 2 Reiki that same year, I gave notice on my day-job. I had to finally embark on my new life as an astrologer. It was so fast. It was a compelling decision. Not even a decision. Just a knowing.

Years later, I received Reiki 3; and then the Teacher/Master level in 1997. I began teaching Reiki not as a full-time occupation, but just as the opportunities appeared.

I’m remembering all this as Neptune (our personal sense of spirituality) is about to Aspect my Hygeia asteroid (spiritual healing). 


I can’t guarantee that Reiki would have the same effect on you. But if you’re in Australia, and if you are interested in opening to a new spiritual power, widening your intuition, increasing your natural healing power, and fast-tracking your life, I’m now offering Reiki courses here in Brisbane, Queensland.

My large, ground-floor, open-space apartment is ideal for small classes. And it’s a lovely environment among the trees, and with the river just around the corner, and New Farm Park nearby.

For personal attention and focus, I only ever teach Reiki for 3 to 7 students in a class — and from the original Buddhist perspective. If you’re interested in this, click the image below for more information on all my Reiki Courses.

Reiki Courses with Kerrie Redgate (ad banner)

— If you’ve already received a Reiki 1 Empowerment, and you’re interested in Reiki 2, let me know. More information on all Reiki courses on my Reiki site via the image link above.

— I can also teach Reiki 3 (this is not the master/teacher level), if you’ve completed Reiki Level 2 and have been using the symbols diligently (as you’ll be learning how to give a Booster Attunement).

— I also offer private tuition classes for individuals (at a higher fee, of course).

There are so many astounding opportunities in this lifetime for spiritual development. We can avail ourselves of any of them. And Reiki is one of the most supreme. It stays with you for life and beyond (better than a tattoo!), and brings healing to yourself, and consequently to others.

If Reiki is not for you, or if I’m not the right teacher for you, that’s OK, of course. It’s so important, though, during these unsettling times, to develop the spiritual side of your life, and to maintain a positive joyful ambience in your Heart. There are many healing and meditative systems, and teachers, to help you to generate pure spiritual power within, which is ultimately the power of compassion.

And through all those empowering systems, just as with Reiki, everything you touch becomes sanctified.

* quoted from Don Beckett, in his book
Reiki: The True Story—An Exploration of Usui Reiki
(Berkeley California: Frog Books 2009)  … [ back to text ]

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate 2023
Kerrie Redgate logomark
I'd love to read your comments⬇

Listen to Kerrie Redgate's podcast
Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology

Something Dark This Way Comes

Something Dark
This Way Comes


It’s getting closer

It will be here exactly
on November 12 2019
at Midnight UT!

( 11am AEDT, 4pm Nov 11 PST )

If you’ve had an astrology session with me, you will understand the depth and subtlety of the sub-routines within the brain, and how they can sabotage our best intentions with precision and ease.
And one in particular lurks in the darkest recesses until stirred by circumstance to take the reins of our life, and steer us into a safe existence of mundanity.

We are at such a time…

No, this is not Pluto. It’s Hades, his Greek counterpart. Hades is an obscure phenomenon in the solar system that has never been sighted by telescope, radar dish, space probes, or other technological devices. But I’ve researched Hades for the past 30+ years (my book, The Insidious Saboteur in Your Psyche,  arriving late 2025), with due respect to astrologer Alfred Witte who  discovered this enigma in the 1920s…

And now I’ve been Hadesed!! 

The entire top half of this blog post has mysteriously vanished! I’ve done a dig to see if I can find it in an old revision in WordPress, but it’s not there!! So, please bear with me, as I rewrite this to explain exactly what this transit is all about. … !!! [KR]

PART 2  | DECEMBER 4 2019

Finally, today, I’m attempting to finish the missing part of this blog post. And this is a fitting time, as the transit is within 1/2 degree again, and closing (again).

The global transit that is causing so much personal and professional sabotage is the Transneptunian (or Uranian) Point, Hades, being in alignment with the transiting North Node of the Moon.

Since ancient times, especially in India, the Moon’s Nodes have been considered as being profoundly spiritual in nature.

Being “nodes”, just as in music, they are points of intersecting  frequencies that are cancelled out, like a finger placed on a guitar string over a fret. There is no vibration where the finger has dampened the string, although this does shorten the string to produce a different sound frequency. 

The frequencies that are being cancelled out in the Earth’s field are at the points where the path of the moon (not necessarily the moon itself) around the Earth crosses the plane of the path of the Earth around the sun.

The moon’s orbit is on a 5˚   plane askew to our path, producing two points of intersection directly opposite each other at the same time. These are points where the moon’s orbital path rises to cut through the path of the Earth around the sun, and also where it sinks below that plane. These are the Moon’s Nodes.

The North Node is where the moon’s orbital path is rising (in the direction of Earth’s North Polar region) above our plane. This is the point where our spiritual purpose for this life is stimulated by forces outside the normal functioning of our astrology charts.

Remember, there is no vibration at the Nodes. So this is a place beyond our normal experience within our conscious state of mind. It’s a place of spiritual happenings.

This is why the Moon’s Nodes are so relevant in our astrology charts. They set important frequencies that we should ignite, ourselves, from our spiritual awareness.

Over the past 34 years, I’ve found that the North Node is also where Karmic Agreements (as I call them) take place. These Agreements had been made long before we were born, and are part of our plan,  where other people step in to fulfill the Agreement they have with us.

This is not karmic in terms of any kind of compensation, as the Sanskrit word karma simply means ‘action’ (in Buddhist terms, it’s the result of our prior actions as causes and conditions). Rather, these are steps that others take to help us move into action for our growth—regardless of whether we had asked them to be nasty or kind. They are karmic as they are the results of prior agreements. And they do force us into action. 

It’s important to remember that these Karmic Agreements have stepped outside the bounds of the frequencies within our astrology charts. They are not influenced by any currents in time and space.

Most people do unwittingly fulfill their prior Agreements—unless they’re stoned or drunk, which disconnects them from the part of the brain that accesses their higher mind while they’re experiencing their more primitive and emotional limbic system; and also, unless Hades is in alignment with the North Node!

So, right now we have the situation where the master saboteur in the mind-stream can simply march into our lives (and consciousness) unhindered.

There are no gatekeepers at the Nodes.
(More on this in a forthcoming book.)

And due to this sabotaging influence, many people are not fulfilling their Karmic Agreements. So, this can leave some of us feeling a bit stuck.  

And on a practical note, have you noticed how many companies decided to alter their Terms & Conditions during these past couple of months? Not only altering them, but often to the detriment of themselves and their clients and customers!

I had email arguments with one company who have severely limited the number of people I can introduce to their services (through me simply using their platform), by suddenly restricting my use as a customer, of their platform. Another company did exactly the same thing at the same time.

Both companies had the advantage of free advertising via their branding on what I was sharing with my own clients. Preventing this is dumb. I’ve now pretty-much abandoned one of those companies and have had to go to the opposition of the other one to cater to more clients.

During this transit, not all, but many people have had many things go wrong in their lives, and within various areas and levels of drama. And of course, they blamed themselves. I was not immune, either. I was almost at the point of packing up my work and heading out to easy, dull employment somewhere! 

Things began to shift more happily on a personal level for many people right after the exact conjunction of Hades to the North Node in the sky. Energy started to move again. I think we’d all had so much of this transit already, that we had done our dash with it during the time when the North Node had moved into position within 1/2 degree of Hades.

But the transit is heading back again, as the North Node is shifting back towards the Hades.

. . . And, of course, not having finished this post on Dec 4th, I was determined to complete it today (December 8th) . . . And so we had a power outage all afternoon! No electricity! No modem, no internet.

Clever little Hades . . .

PART 3  |  DECEMBER 10 2019

But I’m back (finalising this in the wee hours), and laughing. . . That’s all you can do with Hades. Until he really starts playing dirty pool.

It’s not a big bad planet up there in the cosmos. (There are no ‘bad’ planets.) It’s us. Hades is an aspect of our own mind. But something up there triggers a subtle memory we would really rather not recall. However, Hades does show us how powerful our minds actually are. 

So I’ll leave this top section of this post, with a couple of dates for you to check over for the coming weeks, so you can be forewarned of any Hades shenanigans in your own psyche. If you’re blessed to have nothing in your chart around 9˚   to 10˚   you may dodge this one. 

[Dec 6 2020: The world had no idea, at the time, of what was transpiring in Wuhan, China, during these transits, where a stealth-like deadly virus seemed to be spreading out of control! A pandemic had never occurred to me, as being the result of our use of these transits, but we are just too clever — it’s a perfect global sabotage!]

NEXT DATES: The Transiting North Node will be exactly 1/2 degree from Hades again on December 14 (2019), so that’s allowing Hades to sneak through again. Meanwhile they merge even closer until January 23 (2020), when they’ll be exactly aligned again, and will then begin to separate. [Added Dec 6 2020 Note: Check this timing with what was happening in China regarding the Covid-19 crisis and announcement!]

Inserted July 13 2021 ]
Exact transit
of Hades (as the Nodes have moved back a sign), this time in a quincunx aspect (150˚  ) to the transiting Moon’s South Node (so, also a semi-sextile 30˚  the North Node, but the quincunx is the stronger aspect) on July 9 2021. This geometrical aspect is always an initiation process. And the South Node is the Past, something hidden but still within us.

We have to make Wisdom from our Past, not fear or regret. Lots of people in a tizz right now. This quincunx aspect will be hanging around for a while yet, so stay on target with your goals, don’t be discouraged, and keep your Heart open! It’s a big world that needs every one of us to do our bit.

Out of the Darkness

The thing about astrological transits is that even though they sometimes recur, once you’ve mastered the energy they’re presenting to you, the recurring transit won’t affect you any more. But if you missed the opportunity the first time, you’ll get another whallop next time around!

BUT, you have many great resources within you!

You have a Heart (don’t miss the 3rd episode of my podcast, “The Sun—Your Heart—and Purpose”, where I elaborate on the Heart, astrologically and energetically). You can read it on my podcast site via the above link or listen to it there or on your favourite podcast platform.

You have your spiritual consciousness—though, this can be dampened down by a brain hijack.

Three planets (well, two and one “planetoid”) can help with any inner struggle:

Mars is a terrific defender against mundanity. I was slipping down, myself, as I have a couple of significant things between 9 1/2 and 10 degrees of two respective Signs. But then Mars came along and shook up my Hygeia asteroid (our highest healing capacity) from within a very close proximity, and she was awoken like Snow White being kissed by a prince. She immediately pranced off and shouted at the two Hades-dazed bodies in my chart and they immediately sprang back into action.

. . . Well, that’s how it felt to me!

And then there is Uranus. He’ll stir anything up. But when he does stir us, we have to be careful we don’t fall into an angry appraisal of the circumstances. Instead, we have to innovate, find new answers. And fast. And through Uranus, we can learn equanimity (the hard way!).

But there is another bodhisattva-source within us.

The ultimate challenge (or rather, ‘initiation’) of this current transit between Hades and the North Node—in your life and mine—is to recognise where we are placing our emphasis. Whether we’re focused on living through our “Self-Cherishing” survival instincts or our Compassion 

And it’s principally our Compassion that can overturn any argument from Hades. This quality of Heart-and-Mind can be accessed through the planetoid Chiron as the expression of our Bodhicitta, our ‘awakened mind’, which is hell-bent on being here for the benefit of others.

What other meaning can life have?

. . . Bless Hades and thank him for sharing! 

Bodhisattva: (Sanskrit) “courageous awakened being”; one who dedicates his/her life to helping others find liberation

Bodhicitta: (Sanskrit: “c” pronounced “ch” as in “church”) “the awakened mind”. This is the mind of Enlightenment, the mind that has detached from self and from mundane rewards, and focuses on assisting other beings. This is an attribute of the Bodhisattva (which is the potential of each one of us)

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate 2023
Kerrie Redgate logomark
I'd love to read your comments⬇

Listen to Kerrie Redgate's podcast
Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology

Chiron Into Aries

Now a Podcast Bonus Episode

Chiron glyph and name

Chiron Into Aries

Update: March 5 2020

Here’s the link to this episode’s page
on my podcast website:

NOTE: I’ve made the video ‘Private’ on YouTube, and have adapted it for the podcast instead. There are some new bits here that I’d originally edited out for the video, and other bits from the video version that I’ve now deleted, so the podcast version is not exactly the same.

From my Description Notes under the YouTube video:

I’ve been working with Chiron in personal astrology charts for over 30 years. I don’t see Chiron as a ‘wound’ of any kind, and certainly not the ‘wounded healer’, but a vital key to the entire chart.

Chiron moving into Aries on Feb 18 2019, has triggered a subtle brain-change in our attitudes to our own life paths. Here, I explain a positive view of Chiron in our lives, and its 10-year transit through Aries.

A NOTE for clarification: The Sign frequency that Chiron is filtering through is more pertinent for the masses, for our collective resonance, as this is a shared experience that lasts for years.

The House position of Chiron at your birth (which depends on the precise time of day when you were born) is more pertinent as a frequency for your own personal expression, as are the Aspects to Chiron at that time.

For calculating complete asteroid lists, see the SIRIUS Software program (Windows) by Cosmic Patterns Software—it can be found at . And thanks to David Cochrane there for his Chiron glyph from SIRIUS. Check out his YouTube channel, David Cochrane Astrology. For information on how I use SIRIUS (and on my MacBook!) for calculating full lists of asteroids, see my webpage

I’ll have online courses, on my system of astrology, up and running soon (and will of course announce them here, in the newsletter, and everywhere I can!).

And a final Thank-you to Joe Bagale for making his wonderful “The Making of Thumbs Up” music available for use on YouTube. I never tire of it! [March 2020: I had used it on the video version. But my podcast features my own music, “Zen of Smooth”]

Cheers! Have a happy Chiron-in-Aries adventure!

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

(I’d love to read your comments)

For more on astrology and your purpose,
listen to Kerrie Redgate’s podcast,
Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology
wherever you get your podcasts

Here’s my ‘Chiron In Aries: A Positive View’
bonus episode on Apple Podcasts:

Feng Shui Tip: Clocks & Your Health

Feng Shui Tip :

Clocks & Your Health

There is basically nothing wrong with clocks,
apart from one exception…

During our workdays, most of us rely on our smartphones or computers to keep track of the time of day. And now that the Apple Watch has been introduced to the world, more people are wearing wrist watches again (that’s another story!), of various brands. But at home, many people still like to have a clock on a wall or on a dresser, to see the time at a glance. Sometimes it’s an antique clock, a family heirloom, or a favourite modern design that enhances the space.

As Feng Shui is a system that helps us design our living spaces for an utmost advantage regarding our health, prosperity, relationships, and any other area of our life, every detail of our environment is included in a Feng Shui appraisal of our home and work areas.

So what is it about the humble clock?

Well, it isn’t all clocks that we are concerned with here, just a particular type: the dreaded TICKING clock!

I recall a Feng Shui appraisal I had done for a small adult family where each of the members was suffering from fatigue, confusion, depression, and general frustration with their life goals. There were definite blockages to their psychological well-being throughout the home.

There was one thing that I was immediately aware of, as soon as I had stepped inside their dwelling. It was impossible to miss, as it made a noise that sliced through the otherwise peaceful ambience of the space. A loud, evenly-toned, rhythmical tick…tick…tick…tick…tick… 

Try it right now, sit comfortably, close your eyes, and slowly repeat that word with one second breaks between, mimicking the sound of your average clock. “Tick…tick…tick…tick…”, as many times as you like. After a short while, you’ll begin to feel relaxed, and then drowsy. You might even want to have a snooze! 

The problem is in the way the brain processes sound. The brain functions on frequencies, which are pulses of what we call ‘sound’ that have wavelength and amplitude (like the gif in the banner above). The brain then entrains with those frequencies, locks them in memory, and records our reaction to those frequencies (as harmful or pleasant) for later our responses and strategies.

When a frequency has a regular rhythm and the same tone, it becomes more easily anchored into the brain. If that same simple sound continues unabated, the brain activates only its own circuits (and synaptic connections) that resonate with that rhythm. The higher the frequency, the more the front part of the brain is activated—this is our executive centre where our decisions are made, and where we use our volition to change old patterns. (Think of the difference between the slow, steady drum beat of a dirge and the exciting Tokai drumming of Japan.)

So, if the rhythm is slower and has a lower frequency sound (like a ticking clock, which has a very slow pulse), the lower centres of the brain are activated, such as our survival-based, autonomic “reptilian brain” near the base of the skull. This is our oldest brain area, in terms of our human evolution. 

When our older survival brain is more responsive than our prefrontal cortex in our forehead area, we can become tired or stressed, and we may lack vitality and enthusiasm for anything in life. We can’t make decisions based on our wisdom. This is what was happening to the family I observed, with the ticking clock in the centre of their home. 

So if you wake up tired, or come home to an energy that dampens your enthusiasm, and you have a ticking clock somewhere in your environment, it may be time to retire the clock… And of course, sleeping with your wi-fi modem switched on can have the same subtle effect on your brain, but in a different brain area that may disturb more than your dreams. But that’s another story!

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate 2023
Kerrie Redgate logomark
I'd love to read your comments⬇

Uranus into Taurus


At 8:28 AM UT (Greenwich England) on the 6th of March 2019, Uranus settled into the Taurus frequency.

It will be there, oddly enough, until the same time
(8:28 AM UT) on April 26 2026
— so that’s a good 7 years.

We experienced a precursor to this when Uranus dipped his toes in the mud of Taurus on May 16 2018 (UT). And as Uranus provides such a fast-moving frequency for us, it often affects the brain a little ahead of any exact transit. So, it was May 14 2018 (U.S. date) when the U.S. opened its new Embassy in Jerusalem, asserting its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This certainly “threw mud” in the face of the Palestinians who were of course outraged.

This was also a most unfortunate date, as it coincided with the anniversary of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian towns by Zionist paramilitaries in 1948. Plus, this was the day prior to the anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel.

The result was severely violent clashes in the Gaza Strip, with loss of life and thousands of Palestinian injuries. We’ll get to the astrological “why” in just a moment.

Another Shift

Uranus moved backwards (so to speak: retrograded, in astro-talk), to land in Aries again on the now historical day in November 2018 when the U.S. Mid-Term Elections resulted in a massive ‘blue wave’ that overtook the country, where a significantly higher number of voters decided to take charge of their rights and independence by not only actually voting in the Mid-Terms, but by electing an unprecedented number of women, mostly Democrats, to the U.S House of Representatives. 

This gave the House back to the Democrats, placing Nancy Pelosi firmly back into the Speaker position, regaining the Gavel. This also places Pelosi as 3rd in line for the Presidency. So if President Trump and VP Pence both go down together, after the Mueller Investigation is concluded… An even bigger power shift may occur! 

And Back Again for the Long Ride

So, now we find ourselves with Uranus filtering again through the Taurus frequency, and for a solid 7 years this time. Uranus stirs either our hatred and aversions (evident from the violence at the Gaza Strip), or it stirs our need for equanimity in our lives, as well as our humanitarian goals

The plot of Robert Mueller‘s meticulous investigation of the Russian Collusion issue, sidelined by the Obstruction of Justice case building against Trump, is certainly thickening. And with Michael Cohen‘s most recent testimonies to the Intelligence Committee, and ongoing testimonies for the Southern District of New York, plus the House Democrats’ new power to now gain access to Donald J. Trump’s tax returns from the IRS, and the Power of Impeachment, things are speeding up toward the certain demise of President Trump. (Maybe the U.S. should establish a new ‘Independence Day‘!)

This will have a global effect for all of us, as every nation of the world has been sitting on the edge of its proverbial seat, waiting for Trump’s next Reality TV episode to begin.


And for the Rest of Us?

Uranus in Taurus can upset two major issues in our lives: our power and our values. These two things are interlinked. Uranus has a habit of tearing down old structures that no longer serve us, before it begins to inspire the new ones. Like Mars, it is a forward-moving stimulant, avoiding the obstacles of the Past. It inspires new ideas and processes, new visions, and will supply the equivalent of an electric shock if we are not getting on with our program!

Your personal power base could be affected if you are putting too much energy into something that is not your genuine path. And your values could be shaken to the core. 

But a word of caution: don’t take on the projections of others who have become angry about the situation they now find themselves in. I’ve seen this several times already, close to the day of the Uranus shift.

  • If they have a genuine gripe with you, fine. It’s out in the open. Maintain your Equanimity and work with them to resolve it.
  • But if you’ve suffered the outbursts of others through unreasonable or imagined causes, don’t take it to Heart, and maintain your Compassion and Equanimity, which may actually be the entire purpose of the interchange! 

Anything can happen with Uranus! But I think many power bases in global politics may begin to shift severely while Uranus begins its renovation projects. And money systems over the next seven years could also fluctuate wildly. 

Hang in there for the ride! Uranus can be an exhilarating thrill! … Or not …

Kerrie Redgate logomark
(I'd love to read your comments)

PS: March 19 2019
A NOTE following the horrendous terrorist attack on the Muslim community in two mosques in Christchurch, NZ, on Friday March 15. Not only was the perpetrator said to be 28 years old, which is often the Saturn Return for many people (normally at age 28 to 29), leading to big karmic influences and consequences, but Uranus had only recently moved into Taurus (the shocking side of power issues, as explained above), and Uranus was also aspecting Vulcanus (Transneptunian Point) by square.

If you have had personal astrology sessions with me, you may understand the significance of this combination: Uranus and Vulcanus together can certainly shock us out of our complacency!

But our fears and terrors must always lead us to compassion, the final solution. This is the initiation we face.

May those Muslims, who have died so suddenly in these violent attacks, find their peace with Allah.

Seth Godin video: Work That Matters for People Who Care

Chase Jarvis
Seth Godin

How to Do Work That Matters for People Who Care

YouTube video

Seth Godin video: Work That Matters for People Who Care

There was one very new book that I neglected to add to the current edition of my Resources for Business booklet for you. That was Seth Godin‘s latest publication (Nov 2018), This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See (paper, digital, and audio with Seth narrating).

So as an apology for my omission, I’ve added this brilliant video, above, to this Resource newsletter blog rather than my usual public Exceptional Purpose VideoBlog

This is a deep and important interview where Chase Jarvis of CreativeLive has Seth Godin unpack his latest book on (authentic) Marketing for us, to explain some points a little further.

It’s a lengthy interview at 1:10:56, and you may want to ‘rewind’ a few pieces—so make yourself a cuppa, grab a healthy snack, and have your notebook and pen handy. Seth is always well worth your time! 

The interviewer, Chase Jarvis, is well known as a visionary photographer, fine artist and entrepreneur. He is cited as one of the most influential photographers of the past decade, and in 2018 co-created Photo Lab: Crafting Your Shot with Apple, to teach photography skills at more than 500 Apple stores, globally.

May you always live your Exceptional Purpose!

(I’d love to read your comments)

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