A Money Process

by | Dec 10, 2018 | Business

I was listening to episode #357 of The Creative Penn podcast (Joanna Penn‘s weekly interviews and news on all things indie-publishing), where she was discussing creative writing with fellow indie-author, Orna Ross. They introduced me to a “money process” that I found fascinating when I’d tried it, myself.

As I wanted to share this process with you, I first had to hunt down its source. And I found that Orna Ross, founder of Alliance of Independent Authors, had not actually been its originator (not that she had claimed to be).  

I’m still not certain I have found its orgin, and I suspect it may go back to the 1980s somewhere, during the ‘mind-power’ revolution. But I did find it in a 2014 Huffington Post article by writer and spiritual life coach, Rebecca McKown.

So, as I’d found several references to this process online, I’m presuming that it should be karmically safe for me to share this with you here.

The idea of this process is to build a solid and happy relationship with money. Treating money as you would any other relationship/friend in your life.

As humans, relationships are vital. A happy, appreciative relationship with money is one of the most significant partnerships of our life, as our very survival, and present culture, depends upon it.

THE PROCESS begins with you
writing a letter to Money.
Yes: a straightforward pen & paper letter, right from the Heart.

 And once you have done that, you write
a letter to yourself from Money.

This may seem like a simple little excercise, but you will be surprised by what comes out of your subconscious mind regarding your attitudes to money.

I won’t reveal what came out of my own communication, but the letter I received back from Money brought me to tears.

It’s one of those things you just have to sincerely try for yourself. 

Even when money does flood into a business, we still have to be psychologically primed to accept it, not waste it, and value it for what it can help us achieve in the world.

Happy Writing !

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate 2023
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