
by | Mar 11, 2019 | Astrology

At 8:28 AM UT (Greenwich England) on the 6th of March 2019, Uranus settled into the Taurus frequency.

It will be there, oddly enough, until the same time
(8:28 AM UT) on April 26 2026
— so that’s a good 7 years.

We experienced a precursor to this when Uranus dipped his toes in the mud of Taurus on May 16 2018 (UT). And as Uranus provides such a fast-moving frequency for us, it often affects the brain a little ahead of any exact transit. So, it was May 14 2018 (U.S. date) when the U.S. opened its new Embassy in Jerusalem, asserting its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This certainly “threw mud” in the face of the Palestinians who were of course outraged.

This was also a most unfortunate date, as it coincided with the anniversary of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian towns by Zionist paramilitaries in 1948. Plus, this was the day prior to the anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel.

The result was severely violent clashes in the Gaza Strip, with loss of life and thousands of Palestinian injuries. We’ll get to the astrological “why” in just a moment.

Another Shift

Uranus moved backwards (so to speak: retrograded, in astro-talk), to land in Aries again on the now historical day in November 2018 when the U.S. Mid-Term Elections resulted in a massive ‘blue wave’ that overtook the country, where a significantly higher number of voters decided to take charge of their rights and independence by not only actually voting in the Mid-Terms, but by electing an unprecedented number of women, mostly Democrats, to the U.S House of Representatives. 

This gave the House back to the Democrats, placing Nancy Pelosi firmly back into the Speaker position, regaining the Gavel. This also places Pelosi as 3rd in line for the Presidency. So if President Trump and VP Pence both go down together, after the Mueller Investigation is concluded… An even bigger power shift may occur! 

And Back Again for the Long Ride

So, now we find ourselves with Uranus filtering again through the Taurus frequency, and for a solid 7 years this time. Uranus stirs either our hatred and aversions (evident from the violence at the Gaza Strip), or it stirs our need for equanimity in our lives, as well as our humanitarian goals

The plot of Robert Mueller‘s meticulous investigation of the Russian Collusion issue, sidelined by the Obstruction of Justice case building against Trump, is certainly thickening. And with Michael Cohen‘s most recent testimonies to the Intelligence Committee, and ongoing testimonies for the Southern District of New York, plus the House Democrats’ new power to now gain access to Donald J. Trump’s tax returns from the IRS, and the Power of Impeachment, things are speeding up toward the certain demise of President Trump. (Maybe the U.S. should establish a new ‘Independence Day‘!)

This will have a global effect for all of us, as every nation of the world has been sitting on the edge of its proverbial seat, waiting for Trump’s next Reality TV episode to begin.


And for the Rest of Us?

Uranus in Taurus can upset two major issues in our lives: our power and our values. These two things are interlinked. Uranus has a habit of tearing down old structures that no longer serve us, before it begins to inspire the new ones. Like Mars, it is a forward-moving stimulant, avoiding the obstacles of the Past. It inspires new ideas and processes, new visions, and will supply the equivalent of an electric shock if we are not getting on with our program!

Your personal power base could be affected if you are putting too much energy into something that is not your genuine path. And your values could be shaken to the core. 

But a word of caution: don’t take on the projections of others who have become angry about the situation they now find themselves in. I’ve seen this several times already, close to the day of the Uranus shift.

  • If they have a genuine gripe with you, fine. It’s out in the open. Maintain your Equanimity and work with them to resolve it.
  • But if you’ve suffered the outbursts of others through unreasonable or imagined causes, don’t take it to Heart, and maintain your Compassion and Equanimity, which may actually be the entire purpose of the interchange! 

Anything can happen with Uranus! But I think many power bases in global politics may begin to shift severely while Uranus begins its renovation projects. And money systems over the next seven years could also fluctuate wildly. 

Hang in there for the ride! Uranus can be an exhilarating thrill! … Or not …

Kerrie Redgate logomark
(I'd love to read your comments)

PS: March 19 2019
A NOTE following the horrendous terrorist attack on the Muslim community in two mosques in Christchurch, NZ, on Friday March 15. Not only was the perpetrator said to be 28 years old, which is often the Saturn Return for many people (normally at age 28 to 29), leading to big karmic influences and consequences, but Uranus had only recently moved into Taurus (the shocking side of power issues, as explained above), and Uranus was also aspecting Vulcanus (Transneptunian Point) by square.

If you have had personal astrology sessions with me, you may understand the significance of this combination: Uranus and Vulcanus together can certainly shock us out of our complacency!

But our fears and terrors must always lead us to compassion, the final solution. This is the initiation we face.

May those Muslims, who have died so suddenly in these violent attacks, find their peace with Allah.

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