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Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology
podcast with Kerrie Redgate
It’s Here—The New Aquarius-Pluto Paradigm!
Has the world gone mad? Is human society on the brink of disaster? Are we about to lose our humanity? … Or are we giving it away…
… Now for the 11 things that will greatly Disrupt Our Lives, collectively, during the next 20 years.
… You’ll find here a collection of pertinent videos I’ve carefully curated for you, with also my commentaries on these 11 major areas of disruption in our lives — so do avail yourself of those. It’s a new era now!
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The Election Goddess—An Astrological Tale
For three years, Anthony Albanese, as the leader of the Labor Party, the Opposition in Australia, was told he was “not allowed to go to the Ball”. The step-sisters spread terrible, unfair rumours about him and his faithful companions. He had to stay behind and sweep the chimneys…
Gen-Z Teen Flower Essences
A Flower Essence Formula for a Special Generation & also for the Rest of Us!
Who is Gen Z ?
This Generation was born during the years when Pluto’s radio waves were filtering through the Sagittarius frequency in the Earth’s electromagnetic field. (Western Astrology does not use star constellations as its zodiac.) Today, these young people are presently aged between 14 and 27, born mostly between 1995 and early 2008.
This means …
Something Dark This Way Comes
If you’ve had an astrology session with me, you will understand the depth and subtlety of the sub-routines within the brain, and how they can sabotage our best intentions with precision and ease.
And one in particular lurks in the darkest recesses until stirred by circumstance to take the reins of our life, and steer us into a safe existence of mundanity.
We are at such a time…
Chiron Into Aries
I’ve been working with Chiron in personal astrology charts for over 30 years. I don’t see Chiron as a ‘wound’ of any kind, and certainly not the ‘wounded healer’, but a vital key to the entire chart.
Chiron moving into Aries on Feb 18 2019, has triggered a subtle brain-change in our attitudes to our own life paths. In this exposé, I explain a positive view of Chiron in our lives, and its 10-year transit through Aries.
Uranus into Taurus
Firstly, through this Post I’ve highlighted some of the issues generated by Uranus at the times it switched Signs (frequencies), during the past 12 months, so you can see the effects, especially on the political stage. And secondly, I’ve highlighted the opportunities Uranus presents for our own growth to a higher level of being in the world, through the Taurus frequency this time. Uranus is not an easy energy to tame, but it’s the closest we’ll ever get to the experience of Enlightenment, once we do.
Excerpt: You Will Reincarnate
This is an excerpt from the first book in my Astrology & Mind series that I hope to publish in late 2025 It’s the Preface of ‘You Will Reincarnate’ in its entirety. I’m planning to indie-publish several books in this series all at once, so they can be read conveniently, one after the other. And more books are presently in the works!
10 Years On—Part 2: Karma & the Immoral
While the combination of Pluto and Capricorn frequencies has been driving us to find security through ethical and responsible behaviour, and quickly zapping us with the consequences when we don’t, we have been witness to a parade of revelations about people in power and public life.
Why You Shouldn’t Skip the InnerView Session
The BigView session describes the Outer You in the world. Your highest Purpose for this life; and any insidious sabotage that has been blocking that Purpose … HOWEVER, to support that Outer You, you need to have a secure, well disciplined, savvy, spiritually-based Inner You. And THIS is the purpose of the InnerView session! …
Cult or Consciousness—10 Years On
Part One: The Era of Ethics. This is the Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm—10 Years On. The frequency from this little moon-sized object in our solar system resonates with your basic survival brain near the base of your skull. It keeps you alive. It keeps your heart pumping, and keeps you breathing while you’re sleeping. It moves your body away from imminent danger before you’ve had a chance to think…