Gen-Z Teen Flower Essences


Kerrire Redgate | April 4 2022

ZTeen Purpose Formula

A Flower Essence Formula
for a Special Generation
& also for the Rest of Us!

Who is Gen Z ?

This Generation was born during the years when Pluto’s radio waves were filtering through the Sagittarius frequency in the Earth’s electromagnetic field. (Western Astrology does not use star constellations as its zodiac.) Today, these young people are presently aged between 14 and 27, born mostly between 1995 and early early 2008.

This means that most of the teenagers currently at school
are part of this one Sagittarius-Pluto Generation.

As very young children in the late 1990s, Gen Z was formerly known collectively as the Indigo Children as these kids displayed incredible wisdom and talents far beyond their years. It’s important now that they don’t lose their unique abilities and their confidence in their own inherent wisdom.

Where the political and economic demographics for our various Generations (analysed back to the early 20th century) are often vague and contradictory, the science of Astrology can pinpoint the precise dates (and even the minute) for these generational boundaries

I’m currently writing a research book on this topic, Pluto In Your Brain: Generations & Paradigms — you can check out the book page on my Book Series website via that link. This book is part of the first trilogy in my Astrology & Mind series, due for publication in 2023-4.

The Teenagers of this extraordinary Generation presently need guidance and support for their higher purpose in the world. As Teenagers, they are currently in an in-between state where they may not be valuing their gifts or inherent power. Although some of them are finding their voices and fighting for justice and legitimate causes, others are falling into deep depression.

This prompted me to create the Z Teen Purpose flower essence formula, designed especially for the collective issues experienced by Gen Z. This is what it covers:

  • focus & clarity of thought for complex studies
  • stimulating creative breakthrough with Purpose
  • strong sense of purpose
  • balancing left & right hemispheres of the brain to acknowledge intuition
  • creating safe boundaries without being controlling or fearing rejection
  • alleviating self-rejection, shame, guilt, fear—which create  “aloneness”
  • feeling comfortable being unique rather than feeling isolated by it
  • innovative problems-solving, lightening the load

And I’ve now come to realise that the individual flower essences in this formula can be highly beneficial for most of us right now, as we struggle with the massive changes occurring at this transitional time (in 2022) as we sit, poised  on the bridge, between two massively different global paradigms. 

Other individual flower essences and formulas can be added to this for personal issues (such as my Happy Drops, Survive!, and Power-Up formulas; and Study Boost may also be helpful for those at schools and universities). (See the link to my Bodhimind Essences site below).

Download the PDF
Full Formula Contents

You can order this formula in 
50ml or 100ml external spray bottles

For a better understanding,
 let’s look further at Pluto and its effects
on the psyche of our Gen Z Teens …

Why Pluto ?

Pluto’s radio waves have been known to interfere with satellite transmissions and other radio communication and space weather inside the Earth’s field.

In the same way, Pluto can have profound effects on our psyche, as its radio waves resonate with, and stimulate, the survival mechanisms in the older (lower) areas of the brain. 

Astrologically, Pluto can stimulates not only our personal survival issues, but also those of the collective resonance that we share with others born during our same particular Pluto paradigm.

These paradigms vary in length between around 10 years and 30 years, as Pluto has a pronounced elliptical orbit, spending more time filtering through some frequencies  (which we refer to Astrologically as Signs) than it does through others.

In a separate book, I’ll be explaining how genuine astrology works, from a scientific basis.
… Currently still in the writing phase. 

Girl looking out window to trees

Generation Z will care deeply about the environment, about the circumstances people and animals have to live in. They will value freedom of thought and speech; and wide open spaces rather than tiny confinements. They will travel. They will will not ignore or choose to suppress other cultures. They will create in amazing ways.

This Generation has the scope to see beyond present boundaries. They are humanity’s hope for a Sane and Just future, for all life on this planet. But it’s important that they don’t feel hopeless in the face of our present global situation. They will only fight in a war that is just and has a higher, urgent purpose. But their instinct is not to harm.

I think of them as the Wisdom Generation.


Teenage girl at a garden window

The Paradigm
Gen Z 
have to live in

The Previous Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm

Apart from the survival brain-resonance of the collective Generation we were each born into, all of the living Pluto Generations are also living through our current Pluto frequency paradigm.

This is what causes vast differences in the reactions from each Generation in how it copes with the current cultural dilemmas and world-trends.

Gen Z, collectively, is more sensitive
to the world situation
than any other living Generation.

And it’s a difficult time for them now as our present paradigm does not fit with their inherent ideals.

Our current Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm which began in 2008 (initiating the Global Financial Crisis, the collapse of democratic values, and the extreme climate emergency we now find ourselves in) is a foreign frequency for the collective Gen-Z / Sag-Pluto Generation to navigate. 

Whereas, their Pluto’s Sagittarius frequency drives them toward survival (Pluto) through freedom and justice (Sag) — note the huge student rebellion in Hong Kong, and the student outrage and action after particularly the horrendous Parkland high school mass-shooting in Florida USA, and now the desertions and surrendering of the young Russian soldiers in Ukraine who refuse to fight and kill without a just cause, as well as the Ukrainian GenZ people who are prepared to fight to the death to protect their country and its democratic freedoms.

The current Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm is closing down our freedoms and rights, through the rising of the Political Far-Right. Who would have thought Canada’s democracy could be in such peril? Sagittarius expands. Capricorn restricts. That’s how we learn. But we are getting closer now to the new era ahead in 2023.

The New Pluto Paradigm

Update: May 22 2024

A year ago, in 2023, Pluto shifted gears into the Aquarius frequency, and this is now a time for many of our current teenagers to stand up and begin to make Changes. We already have Saturn in Aquarius, preparing the path of resistance and people-power Change. Even young people in Russia were risking arrest and jail time for peacefully demonstrating against Putin’s War in Ukraine. And now US university students are doing the same to voice their opposition to the obvious genocide in Gaza.

Aquarius is the frequency that creates aversion toward restrictions that are not humane. It stimulates Revolution and Change. And it is arriving now in perfect timing for Gen Z to be awakened to their Reason for Being, and to move into their Power, even as very young adults. And this will be a 21-year paradigm — it will bring lots of Change.

Our Gen-Z Teens were born with a mission to come in and clean up the mess that my Generation (the Baby Boomers) had initiated. And given the chance, they’ll do a darned good job!

Download the PDF
About the Formulas

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate 2023
Kerrie Redgate logomark
I'd love to read your comments⬇

‘Food Mood’ Essences

‘Food Mood’ Essences

 Flower Essences Formula
of the Month 

December 2018

2024 NOTE
Some of the flower essences in this original formula
are no longer in production.
So this formula is undergoing a new design process.
I will announce the new formula design here and in my
Resource newsletter (subscribe via the Menu link)

The Food Mood flower essence formula can be a timely addition to your Silly Season ‘diet’, helping you to side-step those January Diet Blues.

Spraying this formula directly onto your head and heart area regularly over time, can alter your thinking to help you realise that you are in charge of your own health and vitality, which encourages you to be mindful of the types of fuels and energies you ingest, via your physical body, even in December!

And you may find that it also relieves those conditioned artificial cravings, allowing you to delve more deeply into their origins.

the management of your Food
the management of your Life

Our Western society actually challenges us to select
the most nourishing, life-supporting foods and lifestyle.

 We’re inundated with food supplies from every continent and culture, no longer eating seasonal foods that grow organically in our own environment. Artificial fertilisers and pesticides, not to mention genetic modifications(!), have robbed us of the natural taste and vitality of real fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains. And refined cane sugar has become an integral component of the majority of processed food-lines.  

Also, we are the only species on the planet that has never been weaned from “mother’s milk”, consuming the milk of other species that was originally designed to accelerate the growth of much bulkier animals than ourselves.

Dairy foods also contain lactose, a natural “milk sugar”, which can become psychologically addictive for humans as we struggle with self-nurturance.

Of course, there are some peoples living in more ethnic-based cultures (such as the native Tibetans and Mongolians), who can only survive with animal-based foods, especially yak- and soured horse-milk.

Yet we, in technological cultures, continue to tie up enormous amounts of potential agricultural land in beef and dairy farming while life-giving grains and legumes on these properties would potentially yield 20 times more protein as direct foodstuffs from the land itself, while also preventing much suffering in the animal kingdom.

Unhappy Dairy Cows

Video: A mother cow (and friends)  protects her baby from a farmer. What would you  do to protect your baby from slaughter?


We have sadly become victims of unnatural cravings for foods that do not support our body, our brain function, or, more importantly, our life purpose.

And it’s important to remember that there is NO one specific diet or food regimen that can be applied to every individual. We are each a unique mix of the elements (fire, water, earth, air, metal) that need to be sustained and balanced.

Don’t eat for your health,
eat for your Dreams

— Michio Kushi (1926–2014)

When we are beginning to alter our perception of the importance of quality food in our life, it is preferable to seek dietary advice through professional dietary counselling that incorporates a concern for one’s lifestyle and environment (including the current season), as well as for one’s ultimate goal and dreamthe real basis for the maintenance of ‘body’. 

An understanding of the yin (expanding) and yang (contracting) effects of various foods can make a huge difference to how you balance your daily diet. In my opinion and experience, if you can find a Macrobiotic consultant, or someone who understands the traditional Eastern Philosophy of food, that would be ideal.

Stage 1 is eliminating the bad stuff.
Stage 2 involves incorprating the life-enhancing foods
that build health and vitality.

In the meantime, the 15 flower essences in this external spray formula can help you to build a more enriching perspective in regard to the place foods play in your life, based on the foundation of self-respect and your inherent Purpose.

Like to try the Food Mood external spray?

… Oh, Too Late!

As of 2024, this formula is undergoing a redesign
due to the unavailability of some flower essence ranges.

I'm Sorry—You Missed It !








In a future post/podcast, I’ll describe how I transitioned my diet away from animal and dairy foods at the age of 20, and what I’ve learned about being a vegan these past 45 years, with some suggestions for balancing your diet (and avoiding raw foods!) while maintaining your compassion.

Happy Misting & Cooking !

Do leave a comment or question

Although an experienced vegan for 45 years (as of 2024), Kerrie Redgate is not a qualified dietary advisor or food consultant, so the FoodMood external flower essence mist formula is offered to assist with changes in the mind, not the body, and so results will vary from person to person.

For more information:
See Kerrie’s flower essence combinations, and more on flower essences generally,
on her dedicated Bodhimind Essences 

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