Excerpt: You Will Reincarnate

Excerpt: You Will Reincarnate

Book Cover "You Will Reincarnate" by Kerrie Redgate

Post updated June 16 2024

I’m currently semi-retired from my astrology work, so that I can finish writing and indie-publish several books from my Astrology & Mind series all at once in 2024, so they can be read conveniently one after the other, and also offered as a digital box set. More books in box sets are also presently in the works and will be published a little while after these, as I’ve been writing them all concurrently over the years.

There is also another book on reincarnation that I’ve been writing more recently, and I’m planning to publish that first, in late 2024: In 5,000 Years: A Novel Truth. That book will be a good primer for You Will Reincarnate, and will be the first in my Reincarnation History Series

As more of an historical spiritual memoir, In 5,000 Years elaborates on the interconnected stories from the actual results we achieved from researching the complex threads of my own past histories. (More on that and my other imminent books on my Author site KerrieRedgateAuthor.com.)

In 5,000 Years: A Novel Truth by Kerrie Redgate

So, I’m giving you a little taste, here, of the first book in my Astrology & Mind series, You Will Reincarnate: New Research into the Quirks of Consciousness with Ancient & Current Sciences. The ebook version will be initially free for a time on all the major digital platforms (so please subscribe to my newsletter via the link in the menu, for alerts as soon as my books and courses are available); and the paper and audio versions (I’ll be narrating) will be priced.

You Will Reincarnate describes the process of reincarnation and its implications for our development, as well as the research processes and findings from decades of my own clinical work with students, clients, and of course myself, with the help of other professionals such as kinesiologists and excellent spiritual mediums. Astrology has been a central tool in both validating and expanding on the results from these other sources — asteroids never lie! … More on that in another book!

I hope you enjoy this little excerpt, which is the full Preface of You Will Reincarnate


from Kerrie Redgate’s forthcoming book:

You Will Reincarnate:
New Research into the Quirks of Consciousness
with Ancient & Current Sciences

The Catholic Nun was covered in black, from toe to crown, with an oval face piercing through a starched white frame. Only her long-fingered white hands revealed the life within the blackness. She was a force. Dark, foreboding, all the clichés. The beads of her long rosary rattled as loudly as the tapping of her boots on the polished linoleum floor while she paced along the hallway toward our classroom.

It was 1962, and within the Catholic school system of those days, the nuns seemed to have been designed to be overbearing figures of Authority.

I always sat straight and still in those classes. Not so much for The Nun, but from an inner sense of dignity and self-discipline, as though I had to prove myself to myself, before I could gain anyone’s respect. I also had a strong sense of justice, often arguing passionately with my parents about “human rights” (especially at bed-time when I wanted to linger late with the adults).

I demanded to be treated as an equal!

However, I had not questioned the religious instruction we were given at school, until a particular day when the topic of The Nun’s teaching was Death. Or more precisely, it was what happens after death.

We sat through an entire exposé of the Heaven and Hell realms; and in those days, Purgatory, the half-way house, was also on the cards. (It has since been demolished.)

I recall being stunned in disbelief. What I was hearing from this darkly-clad image of stern Responsibility was clearly a lie, an untruth, a deception!

Or so I was thinking.

I was too young to have known that religious belief is a matter of choice, and that there are many religions, philosophies, and beliefs, that can inspire any one of us or conversely entrap us within the intolerant Realm of Bigotry and Self-Righteousness.

Well, perhaps I was a little intolerant at that point, because I never trusted any of the Catholic nuns from that day onwards. In my heart, in that moment, I renounced my Catholic-ness, though I never lost a connection to what I would later term `Spirit’.

Perhaps I could be forgiven for such a rash, yet resolute, decision — I was only seven years old.

So, what was it that turned my young mind so against the very teacher I was supposed to revere as a role model and Bestower of Knowledge?

Astoundingly, it was memory. Clear as day. Vivid as your own memory of yesterday. While I listened to the dissertation on the Eternal Afterlife, my mind was struggling with the memory of a time before I was born: my previous lifetime as a young man in India, a medical doctor, trying to heal horrendously diseased children. In 1962, I was too young to know the term reincarnation, but I knew for certain that we come back after our body has died.

My earliest memory of my current life takes me back to around age four, I’d guess, as I was able to speak well enough to express my thoughts, but not old enough to have had the right hemisphere of my brain remodelled to the taste of Western civilisation.

I was in a very large living-room (of course, it seemed large, as I was very small), enclosed by walls of adults holding drinks, smoking tobacco, and chatting noisily. They were skyscrapers in an oppressive city, to me. I clearly remember looking upwards, grabbing a man’s trouser leg, giving it a couple of tugs to get his attention, and sternly announcing, “There-are-children-in-India-who-are-dying-and-starving-and-we-have-to-help-them!”

Needless to say, my squeaky little voice had very little impact. So, I tried some skirts as well… All that frivolity surrounding me when there was so much suffering in the world. I was incredulous.

This was probably 1959. Television was a new phenomenon in Australia from 1956, and I can’t remember when it eventually appeared in our living-room. But there were no documentaries made in those days depicting starving children in India, or anything about India at all, as Australia was still upholding a racist White Australia Policy, being years before an industrial-economic necessity, in the mid-1960s, would instigate an alternative multi-racial immigration scheme.

So, my family knew no Indian people personally. And no one at that time, in my sphere of experience, ever spoke of India or its starving children.

And yet, as a little four-year-old girl, I was stirred by a strong compassion for something that had been happening in another part of the world, on an entirely different landmass, and within a culture I could not have imagined.

There were many more years of religious indoctrination for me, but I never relented in my secret belief. And, over the years, I cemented a vow deeply into my psyche, that I would one day prove the truth of rebirth; that I would educate people to know what really does lie ahead after we die; and most importantly,why we choose to come back! This book is the fulfilment of that vow.

© 2019 Kerrie Redgate
book publication date scheduled for late 2024

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate logomark
I’d love to read your comments.
— Does Reincarnation interest you?
— Do you have any pastlife memories of your own?
— And, I’d love to know if you prefer paper books, ebooks, or audio books, or if you only consume video/film.

10 Years On—Part 2: Karma & the Immoral


Karma & the Immoral


You may have downloaded my 2008 Insight Magazine article,
Cult or Consciousness: A Global Ultimatium,
if you physically subscribed to my newsletter.
If you hadn’t, grab it here now.

Have you read it? Did you recognise
that some of the trends mentioned in that article
are now taking shape in the world, especially in the USA?
— And we are not yet done with this Paradigm —

This is Part Two of several installments … Big paradigm!

Voyager’s surprising capture of Pluto for NASA/JPL — A Heart! Who knew!

This is
The Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm
—10 Years On—

Religious Leaders & Ethics 

While the combination of Pluto and Capricorn frequencies has been driving us to find security through ethical and responsible behaviour, and quickly zapping us with the consequences when we don’t, we have been witness to a parade of revelations about people in power and public life.

It has not only been in the arenas of politics and business that unethical behaviour has been oozing up from the slimy depths. Religious institutions have been getting a whack from this, as well, even though the big public exposés regarding the Catholic Church really began during the previous Sagittarius-Pluto paradigm, which highlighted the religious (Sagittarian trait) significance of these horror stories. But it is this present paradigm where the consequences are being met, and in a very public way.

Firstly, the past horrendous abuse of young boys, and some girls, within the Christian Churches, even from decades ago, has been showing up more prominently during this Capricorn-Pluto era. And recently, Australian Cardinal George Pell‘s controversial case has been particularly shocking due to his high ranking in the Church. (2021 Note: Cardinal Pell has since been exonerated of his presumed sexual abused crimes, but has since become embroiled in the financial scandals of the Vatican.)

And secondly, this has not been restricted to Christians. I have witnessed the disgrace of one of the the Tibetan Lamas I had studied with for years, after it was revealed that he was leading an illicit  quadruple life with several young women (‘consorts’) as well as his legal wife. (He had slipped himself up, by mistakenly sending an inappropriate text message to an unsuspecting nun!)

I had been stunned to hear of the scandals concerning this Buddhist teacher, and especially of his lack of regret. Even though I had not personally suffered any abuse at all, there were several women—each sworn to strict secrecy!—who had been engaging in sexual ‘Tantric Practices’ with this same Lama, each thinking she was the ‘chosen one’.

Young women can be impressionable, and are easily confused by male Authority (Capricorn reference) when in such company, especially in the uncharted waters of spiritual development, and spiritual ritual (Capricorn reference).

Some students have continued to support the Lama, while a number of his many centres have now been closed. And some of his centres’ Buddhist nuns have chosen to rejoin secular life. Who can blame them?

As for me, the sickening shock had caused me to shut anything Tibetan out of my life for several years—not that the Tibetans are to blame for this!—with Kuan Yin (a Chinese Deity) as my lifeline to the authentic Buddhist ideal. (Fortunately, I’ve had a number of ancient Buddhist lives in several other cultures to fall back on.)

And then there is the very public Sogyal Rinpoche case. After decades of sexual scandal, the once highly respected Tibetan Lama, best-selling author (The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, 1992), and one-time film actor (‘Little Buddha’, 1993), has finally resigned from the Rigpa organisation he’d founded in 1979.

Here is a Tricycle article about the mass after-effect from Sogyal’s resignation, from a psychological point of view.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has publicly condemned Sogyal Rinpoche’s behaviour, on a number of occasions, and deeply regrets the effect this has been having on the reputation of Tibetan Buddhism in the West. Though, he has remarked that this type of abuse of spiritual power has been happening in many types of religious institutions around the world. 

His Holiness has also reminded us that the Buddha had always stated that He was not to be ‘followed’, that we should not surrender to His Teachings or authority, but find our own way by questioning everything. The Buddha (and those who represent His Teachings) is merely a guide, a mentor, in our own pursuit of Enlightenment.

And in this context, we should not ultimately give away our spiritual power to any religious leader, despite especially the ancient traditions of the Tibetan Vajrayana, which I feel Western Dharma students have never been ready for—culturally, intellectually, or psychologically.

The Infallibility of Karma

In another, perhaps more fascinating, case in 2011—also during this Capricorn-Pluto era—a young 21-year-old Tibetan incarnate, Kalu Rinpoche, confessed before a group of his students, that he had been sexually abused at a monastery, by some of his monk teachers, when he was twelve years old. This was a shocking revelation for the Tibetan Buddhist community of the world.

But the reason this is such an interesting case is that we know who his previous incarnation had been: His Eminence Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche, a high Tibetan Lama in the Kagyu Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

So I reasoned that for the present young Kalu Rinpoche to have attracted and suffered such abuse, and at a young age, there must have been some sort of a karmic cause for that in his previous life.

Karma is indeed infallible—but it is important to be aware that karma is not a ‘punishment’. Rather, it is a reflection of the conditions in one’s own mindstream and, hence, brain. This is a significant distinction. (More on this in my forthcoming book, You Will Reincarnate—read the Preface here on this site.)

The previous Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche had a Scottish translator for many years, who was a nun in the same Kagyu Tibetan tradition. As June Campbell, having returned to secular life, she wrote a book after Kyabje Kalu’s death, Traveller in Space: Gender, Identity and Tibetan Buddhismin which she confessed that even though she had consented, she had been coerced into a sexual relationship with His Eminence under the guise of a spiritual Tantric Practice. She now recognises this for the abuse that it was.

And so, three years after the Capricorn-Pluto paradigm began, the young Kalu Rinpoche, the direct reincarnation of His Eminence Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche, not only announced to a private group in France, but also announced to the world via a public YouTube video, that he had been sexually abused in the monastery as a child. 

Kalu Rinpoche

This took a great deal of courage for a young man to admit. And we have no way of knowing how much he may remember of his previous life, and how much he may regret its circumstances and its results. But it has certainly cemented his compassion for those who have suffered similar abuses.


More recently, there is also the case of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, the head of the Shambhala organization in the U.S., and the son of controversial Tibetan Rinpoche, Chogyam Trungpa who had died in 1987 at the age of 48 due to liver failure from alcohol abuse. Sakyong Mipham is now married with three children, and has recognized that his long-term abuse of his power must change.

Below, is a video of two wonderful, highly respected female Buddhist teachers, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, the most senior Tibetan Buddhist nun in the world (made famous by the book, The Cave in the Snow, authored by Vickie MacKenzie) and Lama Tsultrim Allione (recognized as an emanation of Machig Labdrön from the 11th–12th centuries), Dharma teacher and author of many books focused on the empowerment of women in Buddhism (see especially her Women of Wisdom, and also her powerfully transformational book, Feeding Your Demons, which you may relate to if you have had a BigView session with me!).

We are blessed by their wisdom after having been asked to explain the scandals surrounding Sakyong Mipham. Their advice is worthwhile for anyone who has suffered any abuse by the power of another. 

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo (right) & Lama Tsultrim Allione (left): speaking about Shambhala’s Sakyong Mipham

As a Buddhist, when faced with these shocking dilemmas surrounding the ancient Tibetan Tantric practice of working with a consort to find Realisation, I return to the original Teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, who had never advocated such things. As we know, Siddhartha had left his wife and family to seek Enlightenment. And after He attracted many sincere followers, He eventually had to be persuaded, by those closest to him, to allow women to join his community, purely because He feared for their safety within a large gathering of ‘celebate’ men.

The Mind is a personal matter, and The Buddha taught that our attachments hold us back from full Realisation. So it would seem that a sexual consort is not going to help us bring about an independent mind of detachment and equanimity. If we depend on another for our Awakened Realisations, we are not fully Awake.

Also, from my understanding of astrological dynamics, I can see that sexual energy moves chi from the base of our chakra system upwards (how far it goes depends on our own clarity of Mind and Heart), and authentic Buddhist meditations are designed to bring the vast supplies  of cosmic energy in through the crown and downwards into the Heart and body, to reprogram every cell with Enlightened thought. 

All of the above-mentioned cases are tragic. And these are not isolated cases, depite there being many dedicated, ethical, and celibate monks and priests in both of these religious traditions.

And how much more of this abuse is going on in many other organisations, apart from the religious institutions, particularly social institutions of all kinds, not to mention the workplace—a big focus for Women’s Rights at present. (I have my own past stories to tell there, as do a great many women, globally! ‘#MeToo’.)

But it seems that no matter how long ago it had occurred, this current Capricorn-Pluto paradigm is the one that will dredge up the dirt and throw it in our faces. And, again, we’re only 61% of the way through this global transit.

This Pluto era is the time for us to find our inner discipline,
to create a reliable strength of character
that will see us through any challenge we may face in life.

In the NEXT INSTALLMENT, I’ll be covering the rise of Cults during this current Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm, and a bit more on Trump, which I suspect will be quite timely.

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate logomark
(I’d love to read your comments)

For more on astrology and your purpose,
listen to Kerrie Redgate’s podcast,
Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology
wherever you get your podcasts

‘Food Mood’ Essences

‘Food Mood’ Essences

 Flower Essences Formula
of the Month 

December 2018

2024 NOTE
Some of the flower essences in this original formula
are no longer in production.
So this formula is undergoing a new design process.
I will announce the new formula design here and in my
Resource newsletter (subscribe via the Menu link)

The Food Mood flower essence formula can be a timely addition to your Silly Season ‘diet’, helping you to side-step those January Diet Blues.

Spraying this formula directly onto your head and heart area regularly over time, can alter your thinking to help you realise that you are in charge of your own health and vitality, which encourages you to be mindful of the types of fuels and energies you ingest, via your physical body, even in December!

And you may find that it also relieves those conditioned artificial cravings, allowing you to delve more deeply into their origins.

the management of your Food
the management of your Life

Our Western society actually challenges us to select
the most nourishing, life-supporting foods and lifestyle.

 We’re inundated with food supplies from every continent and culture, no longer eating seasonal foods that grow organically in our own environment. Artificial fertilisers and pesticides, not to mention genetic modifications(!), have robbed us of the natural taste and vitality of real fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains. And refined cane sugar has become an integral component of the majority of processed food-lines.  

Also, we are the only species on the planet that has never been weaned from “mother’s milk”, consuming the milk of other species that was originally designed to accelerate the growth of much bulkier animals than ourselves.

Dairy foods also contain lactose, a natural “milk sugar”, which can become psychologically addictive for humans as we struggle with self-nurturance.

Of course, there are some peoples living in more ethnic-based cultures (such as the native Tibetans and Mongolians), who can only survive with animal-based foods, especially yak- and soured horse-milk.

Yet we, in technological cultures, continue to tie up enormous amounts of potential agricultural land in beef and dairy farming while life-giving grains and legumes on these properties would potentially yield 20 times more protein as direct foodstuffs from the land itself, while also preventing much suffering in the animal kingdom.

Unhappy Dairy Cows

Video: A mother cow (and friends)  protects her baby from a farmer. What would you  do to protect your baby from slaughter?


We have sadly become victims of unnatural cravings for foods that do not support our body, our brain function, or, more importantly, our life purpose.

And it’s important to remember that there is NO one specific diet or food regimen that can be applied to every individual. We are each a unique mix of the elements (fire, water, earth, air, metal) that need to be sustained and balanced.

Don’t eat for your health,
eat for your Dreams

— Michio Kushi (1926–2014)

When we are beginning to alter our perception of the importance of quality food in our life, it is preferable to seek dietary advice through professional dietary counselling that incorporates a concern for one’s lifestyle and environment (including the current season), as well as for one’s ultimate goal and dreamthe real basis for the maintenance of ‘body’. 

An understanding of the yin (expanding) and yang (contracting) effects of various foods can make a huge difference to how you balance your daily diet. In my opinion and experience, if you can find a Macrobiotic consultant, or someone who understands the traditional Eastern Philosophy of food, that would be ideal.

Stage 1 is eliminating the bad stuff.
Stage 2 involves incorprating the life-enhancing foods
that build health and vitality.

In the meantime, the 15 flower essences in this external spray formula can help you to build a more enriching perspective in regard to the place foods play in your life, based on the foundation of self-respect and your inherent Purpose.

Like to try the Food Mood external spray?

… Oh, Too Late!

As of 2024, this formula is undergoing a redesign
due to the unavailability of some flower essence ranges.

I'm Sorry—You Missed It !








In a future post/podcast, I’ll describe how I transitioned my diet away from animal and dairy foods at the age of 20, and what I’ve learned about being a vegan these past 45 years, with some suggestions for balancing your diet (and avoiding raw foods!) while maintaining your compassion.

Happy Misting & Cooking !

Do leave a comment or question

Although an experienced vegan for 45 years (as of 2024), Kerrie Redgate is not a qualified dietary advisor or food consultant, so the FoodMood external flower essence mist formula is offered to assist with changes in the mind, not the body, and so results will vary from person to person.

For more information:
See Kerrie’s flower essence combinations, and more on flower essences generally,
on her dedicated Bodhimind Essences 

Yogic Breathing—the Secret Meaning

Yogic Breathing—the Secret Meaning

Have the secrets within the Wisdom Teachings of Asia
been fully and openly offered to the West?

Or are there Hidden Meanings, Processes, and Depths
that were deemed too powerful for fragile egos to handle?

During the early part of the 20th century, the Gemini-Pluto generation of the West — ever the curious ones! — developed a deep fascination for the exotic East. There were explorers and philosophers, and ‘procurers of antiquities’. And, as was also their style, they exhibited an unquenchable thirst for a ‘quick path’ that would lead them to some form of spiritual (or at least cultural) Shangri-La. Some may have even sought Wisdom.  

But the eyes of the East were vigilant in recognising this Western propensity for the quick-&-easy, and so held back many of the Teachings that were at the core of the East’s extraordinary, and ancient, discoveries concerning ‘mind’.

It is only through studying diligently with authentic Teachers, steeped in a lineage of centuries, that we can see beyond the veils. My efforts have been minor in the broad sense of the devotion of others, but I have been blessed to have picked up a thing or two from especially the Tibetan Teachers I’ve had the privilege to study with, and from the Commentaries on the ancient Teachings that many had written in the past as their extraordinary legacy.

And even though most of us still lean toward the quick-&-easy left-brained approach, in our technological ‘Google-it’ culture, it is possible to find the deeper meaning in practices that on the surface seem to be purely physical or easy.  


Some of the more enlightened Western yogic practices have included the ‘Nine Breaths‘ or  ‘alternate nostril-breathing‘ technique. However, this technique has been described to us largely in physical terms, without the accompanying visualisations that are not simply an adjunct to the physical structure of the asanas, but the point of the entire exercise!

This is odd because prana is understood as the life-force itself, in a similar way to ch’i in China and ki in Japan, yet Western people oblige the certified Western yoga teacher through mechanically repeating these nine steps by rote, as if the sheer doing of the thing will bring some miraculous benefit at the end.

Just as an aside, I can’t keep quiet about my personal favourite gripe: the absurd practice in the West of referring to a chakra point as a ‘shaahkra’. The official transliteration from Sanskrit into the Roman alphabet has a very short ‘a’ almost like the ‘u’ in cut; and ‘c’ is always pronounced as ‘ch’ as in ‘church’ (leaving ‘k’ to be pronounced as in kite). Rolling the ‘r’ very slightly on the tongue is more authentic, but not necessary. The original English transliteration is ‘cakra’, which means ‘wheel’.

Little did we know,
Mind is everything!

Hatha Yoga has been viewed in the West — at least since the 1960s — as not much more than a health-restoring maintenance program, like a trip to a gym, to keep us supple and active into our later years. The general public never questioned its routine practices for any further depth. And Hatha Yoga has become such a fad of our times, that it has been distorted and renamed and twisted into more shapes than its own asanas could describe!

But there were a small number of Western yoga teachers who were determined to seek out the true gurus, and the source, of this ‘physical form’ of yoga, even travelling all the way to India on their quest for truth and authenticity. 

And some did find it, despite masters of each of the ancient Asian traditions being reluctant to unveil a truth that could burn the minds of their egoistic visitors from the ‘quick-path-seeking’ technological West.

What has been missing in the West, from most of the teachings of hatha yoga (and also other rejuvenative systems, such as tai chi, for that matter — one teacher explaining the original martial arts references to us: “now you are breaking the wrist, dislocating the elbow”… UGH!), is the mental counterpart of the exercise: the actual visualisations.

I started practising alternate nostril breathing in 1968, when I was just thirteen years of age. I watched it being taught on television by Swami Sarasvati, who is still alive in Australia today. And when I was eighteen, I found a book that elaborated a little more on this technique. Swami Sarasvati may have described the process in more detail, as was her style of teaching, but I was probably too young (and still too ‘Westernised’) to understand the nuance of what she was revealing. 

I have since explored the Nine Breaths technique further via Tibetan Buddhist Teachings, particularly Buddhist Tantra (even though still watered down for us), to gain more insight into the body-mind phenomenon as well as the energetics of the life-force which are said to stem from ‘mind’.

The following is a description of the metaphysics of the process of this breathing technique (lifted from my own Reiki Level One Course booklet—you will find authentic Buddhist references below), followed by a step-by-step description including the visualisations the mind should be focusing on, simultaneously, to make this practice more deeply effective and meaningful for personal change.

This is a simple & brief process
that can be a great start to your day
or to any other meditative practice

The Nine Breaths Meditation*

This sequence of NINE BREATHS can be done
before any meditation practice, and is a meditation in itself.
It is used to calm the mind, 
as well as being a practice
to dissolve our most basic poisonous emotions.

Note: It’s best to read through the procedure first before trying each step.

Sit in a comfortable meditation posture (cross-legged or in a chair, to suit); spine straight, shoulders level, chin slightly down (not up!), and looking downwards at the floor in front of you (which keeps your spine and head in a fairly straight line at the back of your neck). Visualise your body as being empty, transparent like a rainbow.


  • Your CENTRAL energy channel, the sushumna, runs parallel to, and slightly in front of, your spine.
  • It is hollow, about an index finger’s thickness (white on the outside and red on the inside).
  • Its top end curves like an umbrella handle over the top of your crown, ending between your eyebrows.
  • Its lower end is 4 finger-widths below your navel.
  • This channel relates to our awakened mind when clear-flowing; or to our ignorance when blocked. (So, you can see the importance of keeping this clear.)

  • Your RIGHT energy channel (pingala, or rasana) is straight and runs close to your central channel on the right.
  • It opens at your right nostril, travelling up and over the back of your head and down to its lower end about 6 finger-widths below your navel where it joins the LEFT channel.
  • Visualise this as red, as thick as a stalk of wheat.
  • This channel relates to the ‘sun’ symbolically and our equanimity when flowing freely; or conversely, our anger/hatred when blocked.
  • It can generate heat
  • Your LEFT energy channel (ida, or lalana) is the same thickness as the right channel.
  • It opens at your left nostril, travelling over the back of your head and down its lower end about 6 finger-widths below your navel where it joins the right channel.
  • Visualise this channel as white.
  • This channel relates to the ‘moon’ symbolically and our detachment when flowing freely; or to our desire/attachment when blocked.
  • It is cooling.

As you breathe in during this practice, visualise all the great wisdom, compassion and blessings from the Highest Beings in your sphere of reality (Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Archangels, God, Great Spirit, Brahma, Vishnu, the Cosmos, Taoist Immortals, or the Tao itself, etc.).

As you breathe out, you can visualise black smoke leaving you and dissolving into light outside of you, or being sent to the stars where it is transmuted into purified consciousness — whatever appeals to you.

FIRST 3 BREATHS | Right Channel

  1. Close your left nostril with your left ring-finger (or more easily, the BACK of your RIGHT index finger see note below¹), and breathe in slowly through your right nostril; without pausing unnaturally, switch hands, or use the front of your right index finger, to close your right nostril with your right ring-finger and breathe out through your left nostril.
  2. Visualise the two side channels as being joined together at their base, creating a smooth movement into one and out via the other.
  3. While Breathing In: Visualise your breath as white rays of cleansing light flowing down the right channel and accumulating in the left where the defilement of desire/attachment had been blocked-in.
  4. Breathing out: through left nostril, visualise your desire/attachment flowing out as black rays of smoke or dark light, and being transmuted.
  5. Repeat this entire Right Channel process 2 more times, increasing the force on the out-breath each time (the first being natural and gentle).
  6. It is important to see yourself being cleansed and purified by breathing out all your impure desire/attachment energy.

SECOND 3 BREATHS | Left Channel

  1. Close your right nostril with your right ring-finger, breathe in slowly through your left nostril; switch hands to close your left nostril with your left ring-finger, or use the FRONT of your RIGHT index finger, and breathe out, without pausing unnaturally.
  2. Visualise the two side channels as being joined together at their base.
  3. Breathing in: Visualise your breath as white rays of cleansing light flowing down the left channel and accumulating in the right where the defilement of fearful anger/hatred had been blocked-in.
  4.  Breathing out: through right nostril, visualise your anger/hatred flowing out as black rays of light, so that you are purified of all anger and irritations.

LAST 3 BREATHS | Central Channel

  1. Rest both hands on top of your knees; breathe in and out of both nostrils with equal time, visualising the ends of the 2 side channels inserted into the bottom of the central channel.
  2. Breathing in: visualise your breath as white rays of cleansing light flowing down both side channels and accumulating in the central channel where the defilement of ignorance had been blocked-in. (This is our ignorance of True Reality, being the present moment with no expectations or projections.)
  3. Breathing out: visualise your false concepts, ignorance of true reality, flowing out from your breath and brow as black rays of light, so that you are now filled with Wisdom.
  4. Rest peacefully in that space for a while, or continue to meditate in your own way.

The Three Poisons

This Nine Breaths Meditation helps to dissolve the Three Poisons of mind which The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, had realised to be the essence of what creates our own suffering in life.

Our grasping and clinging to a self that is impermanent is a futile exercise and leaves us grasping for more things, people, accoutrements, to solidify our sense of self-validation and survival. No matter how much we manage to accumulate, we are never satisfied. We are constantly pulling things toward ourselves. The peace of mature detachment eludes us while we grieve for the things and people we have lost.

Our hatred and aversions in life cause us great suffering as we push away things, people, circumstances, that we fear. Most of our daily fears are personal for us, and based on the conditions of past events. We cannot gain the peace of equanimity while we are still easily angered.

Both of these polarities, the pulling and pushing, are based on our ignorance of true reality. We tend to believe that all conditions are permanent, that everything is as real as our physical senses have been programmed by the brain to tell us they are. But the ‘solid’ world is made of vibrational frequencies that the brain interprets and paints for us.

These are difficult concepts that take a lot of contemplation to realise. But nonetheless, it should seem obvious to you that anger and grasping do not bring us  peace. The wisdom of Spiritual reality is much closer to the Truth. And Compassionate Wisdom is the only path to peace and equanimity.

So give this meditation primer a try. The mind is infinitely powerful, and you may find that each day you are becoming more settled and accepting of life, without any trace of the ‘dissatisfied victim’ or ‘angry warrior’.

And then you can go out into the world, fearlessly, to live your Exceptional Purpose for the benefit of us all!

. . . The most important thing is to remember to BREATHE!

Please do leave a comment, below. Tell us what you think, and if you have tried this practice, or are willing to give it a go. I’d love to hear your feedback.


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Kerrie Redgate 2023

Technique from The Great Seal of Voidness, 1st Panchen Lama (1570-1662); cited in Four Essential Buddhist Texts (Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, revised 1982).

¹ The precise fingers used differ between various Tibetan teachers. In Lama Yeshe‘s account in his book, The Bliss of Inner Fire (Massachusetts: Wisdom Publications, 1998), he states that one should hold the left nostril closed with the back of the right index finger; in the next round, the right nostril is then blocked with the front of the same right index finger (in this way you don’t need to switch hands).

Lama Yeshe had also suggested that if you prefer to associate with the blessings of the Mother Tantra, you may begin by breathing through the left nostril, the female side.
Lama Tsongkhapa (14th century founder of the Gelugpa Tibetan order) had taught to begin this meditation by breathing in through the right nostril.

Accompanying my teenage practice of hatha yoga in 1968, I was later introduced to a style of this process that did not use any finger at all! One was to visualise the prana/breath moving in one nostril and out the other. With some practice, it is actually possible to control this flow of air with the mind alone.

Obviously, these matters are a point of choice for you, so do what is most comfortable and feels right: remember, intention is everything

You will find more about my Reiki courses at my dedicated site Reiki.ExceptionalPurpose.com.

Note: One of my forthcoming 2025 books elaborates on the various Pluto sub-generations and the transiting effects of Pluto in this regard. Stay connected to get the publishing dates and discounts, plus other news, in my Exceptional Resource newsletter.

Why You Shouldn’t Skip the InnerView Session

Why You Shouldn’t Skip the InnerView Session

2023 NOTE: As of October 19 2023,
The Zoom-In session has been renamed ‘InnerView’ session.
So I’ve changed the title here to keep this post current and in line with my website.
So, now the sequence is:
BigView Session, InnerView Session, StrategyTransits, and Progress Sessions

If you’ve had a chance to read the Sessions page on my ExceptionalPurpose.com website, you’ll find that I have split my once gargantuan all-day astrology sessions! into 3 separate consultations.

Several reasons: My Age, Your Time, Your Money … and the ‘Murphy’s Law’ risk of hanging about on Skype for too long.

I’ve also found that with much shorter, more manageable, sessions, there are added benefits on both sides—

For me: Sleep! Food! … and fewer visits to my acupuncturist to have my spleen chi’ boosted.

For you: Spreads out the cost; adds contemplation time between sessions; less (relatively!) overwhelm; a chance to integrate and maybe ask more questions for follow-up; easier scheduling; and time to prep the mind for the new reality before more information hits.

The Disadvantages? When clients skip the InnerView sessions and go straight to the StrategyTransits! One-third of the process is then missing. A part of the psyche is still hiding! But the InnerView session can be potentially the most personally transformative, which is why, I’m guessing, some people avoid it!

OK. So here’s the thing, the way I’ve broken up the sessions:

The BigView session describes the Outer You in the world. Your highest Purpose for this life; and any insidious sabotage that has been blocking that Purpose, the connection to a deeper Past that is still running a sub-routine in your brain. It’s the grand scheme for living your Exceptional Life Purpose.

HOWEVER,  to support that Outer You, you need to have a secure, well disciplined, savvy, spiritually-based Inner You. And THIS is the purpose of the InnerView session!

The InnerView session elaborates on the personal you that lives inside your head. The you that can show up with doubts, with imposter syndrome excuses, and with old limitations embeded into your psyche through sheer cultural (and past-life) conditioning.

There are ways that we can turn around old emotional habituations, all the challenging aspects in your chart, so that they become advantages, not hindrances. 

By understanding the source of these emotions (which is buried in a dead past), and then by recognising the potential inherent at their fundamental core level as frequencies of energy, we can manipuate those frequencies to put them into alignment with your Outer Self‘s adventure for this life! 

My studies and explorations into Asian philosophies have taught me a great deal about the mind and our view of reality; and the fabulous science of astrology has allowed me to see connections that are not normally obvious. 

When I was just 21, I changed myself from being an agoraphobic of three years, not even being able to get passed my front door to the letterbox due to severe panic attacks, to being a rock singer on stage pouring my heart out to strangers. That was a single leap! It can be done. And, yes, I had my first genuine astrology reading when I was 21. (He came to me!) I think that was a huge blessing, as it allowed me to begin to see life very differently.

The BigView must be supported by the self that perceives it. If you don’t build the personal and spiritual foundations underneath you, your Past has free rein to repeat itself over and over again.

After we have elaborated on the BigView of your life’s work, and zoomed in to restructure your InnerView that supports it, it is time for the StrategyTransits to lay out the plan for the coming year, based on the tides of change that you will be experiencing. There is no ‘prediction’ in astrology, apart from the tides of the planets, as you can use these transits any way you like. They’re just frequencies that hit the brain. And we tend to use those frequencies habitually. Put yourself in control. But first know the self that is doing the driving!

And then be that self in accordance with your authentic Spirit, by accessing your Buddha-nature. 

Astrology is the most astonishing tool! … And don’t forget, I’m already 63 [now 68 in 2023 and semi-retired!], and won’t be around in this form forever (I may come back as a drummer next time!). So don’t put your life on hold for too long! 

If you’d like to know more about my
InnerView session
this button will take you there, via my
Exceptional Purpose site

May you always live your Exceptional Purpose!

(I’d love to read your comments)

For more on astrology and your purpose
listen to Kerrie Redgate’s podcast
Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology
wherever you get your podcasts

Cult or Consciousness—10 Years On


The Era of Ethics


You may have downloaded my 2008 Insight Magazine article,
Cult or Consciousness: A Global Ultimatium,
if you physically subscribed to my newsletter.
If you hadn’t, grab it here now.

Have you read it? Have you recognised
that some of the trends mentioned in that article
are now taking shape in the world, especially in the USA?
— And we are not yet done with this Paradigm —

This is Part One of several installments … big paradigm!

Voyager’s surprising capture of Pluto for NASA/JPL — A Heart! Who knew!

This is

The Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm

—10 Years On—

The frequency from this little moon-sized object in our solar system resonates with your basic survival brain near the base of your skull. It keeps you alive. It keeps your heart pumping, and keeps you breathing while you’re sleeping. It moves your body away from imminent danger before you’ve even had a chance to think.

As this is not the place for me to describe for you the complexities of the electro-magnetic dynamics of our solar system (new book coming soon!), I will make this as brief and as simple as I can…

We are currently


of the way through this Paradigm

So when Pluto ‘switches Signs’, this means that the survival effects from Pluto are filtering through a different frequency in the Earth’s magnetic field, a combination that resonates with all iving things. It’s a dramatic switch of priorities for us. So our Plutonian survival issues are felt as a species. And these shifts can take place for spans of time from 10 to 30 years. 

So, as I’d mentioned in my ‘Cult’ article, this new Capricorn-Pluto paradigm began in early 2008, producing either a ‘cult’ or ‘tribal’ culture—people clinging to the security of a group (Neo-Nazis; Cult-of-Trump, etc); or the ‘conscious’ qualities of personal Ethics, Authority, and Responsibility. By 2024, we’ll be embracing a new Pluto paradigm.

So how are we doing ?

at the issues correlating with my original expectations
for this upheaval of a Global Transit,
and WHY they’ve occurred

Ethical standards
are most definitely being called into play right now.
And it’s because we know that a Dystopian Future
awaits human civilisation if our current devolvement
is allowed to continue.

‘Ethics’ is the foundation stone
for Responsibility in the world.

Ethical behaviour produces
happy karmic results.

Unethical behaviour
leads eventually to ruin.

Some highlights from the ETHICS theme in this paradigm, so far:

  • We began with unethical practices being exposed in the finance and real estate industries (both Capricorn-resonant fields), especially in the US, which had caused an inflated (Sagittarius-Pluto) balloon to burst, globally, especially in 2008
  • The Russion violation of the U.S. 2016 election by the spreading of fake news through social media channels (as you’d recall, largely to discredit Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton)
  • A number of Australian politicians were discovered holding dual citizenships with other countries
  • The Australian Labor Party recently instigated the idea of developing a Federal Integrity Commission to investigate corruption in Australian politics, in the hope of reestablishing trust and transparency in the Australian political system
  • The now prevalent sexual assault scandals and “Me Too Movement” sweeping the globe—and these are largely focused on the Work Place. (Capricorn does naturally resonate with business in general, as this is also where we develop our Reputation for Responsibility and Authority
  • The escalation of ‘cult movements‘ across the planet, for good and ill (‘Cult or Consciousness’)
  • Of course, no one had missed the irony of the then U.S. Presidencial candidate, Donald J Trump, announcing back in 2016 that he would “drain the swamp” of American politics
  • Speaking of whom, as I write, President Trump seems certain to face Impeachment, and Indictment via the Mueller investigation [2020 note: AG William Barr put a stop to that! But proceedings are underway, with huge resistance from the GOP!]

President Trump has, himself, shone a spotlight on many vital issues for all of us—such a ethics, morality, and basic human decency—not by example, but by his outrageous display of precisely the opposite qualities! It’s only through seeing this abhorrent behaviour right in front of us, and within such a (presumably) responsible Office of US Government, that our outrage at unethical behaviour has been forced into sharp focus, indeed… There is already a sizeable pile of books published on Trump and his Presidency.

It is a fascinating astrological point, that when Trump won the U.S. election he had transiting Chiron* on his Ascendant, indicating a time of high spiritual purpose in the world! So is he a bodhisattva-in-disguise or the Mad Trickster who inadvertently brings about global change? Well, at least the Swamp of Western society is more visible now, apart from the stench!

Some Other ‘Notables’:

Harvey Weinstein‘s sexual harrassment cases have been paraded before us, and that was not long after Tim O’Reilly had been booted out of the Fox network for similar behaviour.

And then in Alabama, Roy Moore, accused of pedofilia, and being politically supported by the President of the USA (himself, a self-confessed assaulter of women), which Moore (thankfully) lost to Democrat Doug Jones. And these were not isolated cases.

Even Democrat Senator Al Franken had been dragged through the mud and forced to resign for a humourless prank some years ago when he was a commedian, followed by a few other mild accusations from women of a long-ago past—but Franken had initially reacted by calling for an Ethics Investigation of himself! An ethical act, for sure.

News from the Ethics Committee investigating the Russia Collusion in the U.S.A. had appeared almost daily. And Special Counsel Robert Mueller is sliding in to Home Base for a big finale regarding Trump, himself:

* The asteroid ‘Mueller’ is opposite Chiron in Trump’s own birth chart,
and aspects his Ceres (his family)!

More on that soon, as Mueller’s team move in to finalise the Obstruction of Justice case and the Russia Probe Investigation.

( I’m planning a small book, disclosing Trump’s last incarnation and its impact on not only his current life, but also on the world! )

Ethical and Empathic behaviour is now being demanded of our leaders. During the previous Sagittarius-Pluto paradigm, we had taken human decency for granted, forgiving slips of immorality or corruption as ‘boys will be boys’. Even the crime rate around the world had fallen when Pluto first filtered through the Sag frequency in 1995. (Sagittarius resonates with the concept of ‘harmlessness’.)

But now that the ‘survival frequency’ from Pluto is being felt and expressed fully through the Capricorn frequency for our entire planet, we are no longer willing to be tolerant of such disgusting behaviour. And it is disgusting us, even though we had been living with it in our midst as far back as the establishment of human society.

And of course, the Judge Brett Kavanaugh appointment to the Supreme Court, just this past October 2018, has stirred a huge pot of angst among especially women all over the USA, and, indeed, the world. The protests were especially thick in Washington DC.

Kavanaugh was not only credibly (in my opinion) accused of a drunken attempted rape and assault upon a fifteen year-old girl in his high-school years, but it seems he has always had quite a penchant for beer. From his final Confirmation Hearing:

“Yes, we drank beer. I liked beer. Still like beer. We drank beer… Sometimes we drank too much beer…. I like beer… Do you like beer, Senator?”

The asteroid ‘Beer’ trines Kavanaugh’s Sun
in his own birth-chart!

Yes, he would LOVE beer! And I might just mention (for past students and those who have had astrology sessions with me), another aspect in his own chart is the asteroid ‘Kaiserstuhl‘ being on his Hades … !!  

Kavanaugh has a self-sensitive Cancerian Moon, which, in his case, may have been the cause for his childish emotional outbursts and partisan rantings during his final Confirmation Hearing for the Supreme Court. Such a display would have elicited a hefty fine and a Contempt of Court charge to any defendant exhibiting such behaviour in Kananaugh’s own Court! But instead, he gained a lifetime appointment to the highest Court in the USA… And he still likes beer

Emma Thompson has always been one of my favourite actresses. Here, in this BBC Newsnight interview, she discusses the climate of Hollywood for female actors, in light of the recent Harvey Weinstein scandals, and provides some advice for change.

Human Ethics is inextricably linked to the value of Dignity.

Without human dignity, there can be no spiritual expression in the world. We are each called upon now to do our part, to uplift the human condition, to access the personal authority and responsibility inherent in the Capricorn frequency and to use that frequency to stabilise the survival of the entire planet and every living species on it.

Capricorn and its resonant planet, Saturn, both emphasise the idea of cause-and-effect— Karmic results. Capricorn is also the frequency of ‘spiritual initiation’, it allows us to inherently understand the strength of the spirit in taming the ego-nature of the human form.

In this regard Saturn/Capricorn resonates with personal discipline and ethical behaviour, as the greed and laziness of the ego (which is the brain running the body instead of the Spirit running it!) is the quick path to nowhere.

Capricorn is the foundation for the spiritual journey we are on as human beings. When linked to Pluto, our sense of dignity, purpose, inner authority, and responsibility, become life-and-death survival issues. We either project those qualities onto anyone with a loud voice, or we develop them in ourselves. And in the words of Seth Godin, “This is the best shot you’ll ever get.” I’ll have much more to say on this in one of my forthcoming books.

This era, when used consciously, can now bring fabulous results, as Karma of any type is infallible… Karma, for nations as well as individuals, is something we will get to in future installments on this current paradigm.

But I’ll leave you on a brighter note …

A Happier Reflection of the Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm

One of the things I’d mentioned in the ‘Cult’ article was the possiblity of people beginning to once again appreciate things that are hand-made by artisans (by people of ‘reputation’!), rather than mass-produced cheaply and quickly. Also this would cover a revival of antiques or retro styles from the past.

This first movement has become known as ‘Bespoke‘, which originally meant “to speak”.  After having been used in the tailoring trade in times past, the term has now evolved into a Movement that places value on any one-of-a-kind hand-made piece of clothing, or furniture, decorative items, musical instruments, etc.

Apart from Ethics, Capricorn is a frequency that also generates a sense of value in unique things that have taken time and care to create, We are observing and appreciating the results of the discipline of others.

In Australia, we even had a ‘Bespoke’ TV series that showcased the work of young people now involved in producing unique items for sale at markets and in their own small warehouses. The drive for ‘specialty’ produces value in our lives, and at this time we are seeking to portray our own inner authority through what we wear, say, and do.

Read PART 2 HERE, where we take a look at the Religious scandals that have been bobbing up from the depths during this paradigm, even pertaining to Tibetan Buddhism, where we can see a direct Reincarnation of the Karmic cause-&-effect of a prior life of privilege and manipulation. Karma is infallible!

In PART 3 we’ll take a look at the psychological and karmic reasons for the Cults that have sprung up around the world, including the astonishing Cult of Trump. And how this trend has affected how we do business.

In PART 4 we’ll look at the polarity opposite of Capricorn, being the Cancerian frequency, and how that polarity now needs to be balanced, globally.

… There may be more Parts as this significant Paradigm continues to unfold (before March 2023), so stay connected! 

May you always live your Exceptional Purpose!

(I’d love to read your comments)

For more on astrology and your purpose,
listen to Kerrie Redgate’s podcast,
Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology
wherever you get your podcasts

A Money Process

A Money Process

I was listening to episode #357 of The Creative Penn podcast (Joanna Penn‘s weekly interviews and news on all things indie-publishing), where she was discussing creative writing with fellow indie-author, Orna Ross. They introduced me to a “money process” that I found fascinating when I’d tried it, myself.

As I wanted to share this process with you, I first had to hunt down its source. And I found that Orna Ross, founder of Alliance of Independent Authors, had not actually been its originator (not that she had claimed to be).  

I’m still not certain I have found its orgin, and I suspect it may go back to the 1980s somewhere, during the ‘mind-power’ revolution. But I did find it in a 2014 Huffington Post article by writer and spiritual life coach, Rebecca McKown.

So, as I’d found several references to this process online, I’m presuming that it should be karmically safe for me to share this with you here.

The idea of this process is to build a solid and happy relationship with money. Treating money as you would any other relationship/friend in your life.

As humans, relationships are vital. A happy, appreciative relationship with money is one of the most significant partnerships of our life, as our very survival, and present culture, depends upon it.

THE PROCESS begins with you
writing a letter to Money.
Yes: a straightforward pen & paper letter, right from the Heart.

 And once you have done that, you write
a letter to yourself from Money.

This may seem like a simple little excercise, but you will be surprised by what comes out of your subconscious mind regarding your attitudes to money.

I won’t reveal what came out of my own communication, but the letter I received back from Money brought me to tears.

It’s one of those things you just have to sincerely try for yourself. 

Even when money does flood into a business, we still have to be psychologically primed to accept it, not waste it, and value it for what it can help us achieve in the world.

Happy Writing !

May you always live your
Exceptional Purpose!

Kerrie Redgate 2023
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I'd love to read your comments⬇

Book Reviews Coming Soon!

Book Reviews Coming Soon!

I’ll be adding my some non-fiction book reviews to this newsletter blog, which may be inspiring for your work and creative projects

You’ll always find these in the ‘Book Reviews‘ link in the Categories menu above. Plus I’ll have a link to each new one in the latest newsletter, itself.

If you have a favourite business book or success book or author, please do let us know in the Comments, below. 

I’ll be back . . . 


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